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  1. You Can Handle It!
  2. God Cares About Every Detail
  3. Your Work Will Be Rewarded
  4. No Big Deal!
  5. Unchanging God
  6. When Life Isn’t Fair
  7. I am blessed by my friends
  8. Remain Confident In Hope
  9. A Vacation with Jesus
  10. Reason For Living
  11. Not for Sale!
  12. Remain in Him
  13. Commissioned
  14. Sit Down
  15. Limitless Love
  16. Have Patience
  17. If You Can’t Say Something Nice . . .
  18. What are God’s plans for you?
  19. Unconditional Love
  20. Spinning Your Wheels
  21. The High Calling of Jesus
  22. Rainbow
  23. My Cup Runneth Over!
  24. Tent of Meeting
  25. How you can see the true beauty of God’s Word
  26. He’s there for you
  27. How to Win the Battle
  28. Faith
  29. Lie Down
  30. Remain In Fellowship
  31. Busyness
  32. A Wonderful Opportunity
  33. Trusting When It’s Hard
  34. None Left
  35. Get in the Fight
  36. Renewed
  37. Let Jesus be your Help
  38. Dealing with Disappointment
  39. Memory
  40. Tests and Trials
  41. Stillness
  42. What Is Your Name?
  43. Do you have a lot of worries over circumstances you cannot control?
  44. Courage To Pray
  45. Jesus shall prevail
  46. Hurricane or Gentle Breeze?
  47. Animal Blessing
  48. God's Right Here
  49. The Worth Of The Wind
  50. NACR Daily Meditation - March
  51. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - March
  52. Daily Reprieve - March
  53. How much proof do you need of God’s love and presence in your life?
  54. Commitment
  55. Big Spring
  56. Jesus Will Not Forsake You
  57. He Will Go Before Us
  58. Created by God
  59. The Lord is My Shepherd
  60. When the Future Seems Uncertain
  61. Learning the Art of Forgiveness
  62. Blessed
  63. Daily Reflection - March
  64. Encouraging Word - March
  65. God wants you to know. . . - March
  66. Bible Verse Of The Day - March
  67. Closer Than You Think
  68. Inner Peace
  69. Sunrise
  70. Always Be Thankful
  71. When We Are Weak
  72. Quiet
  73. Another Victory Is On The Way
  74. I am ready to create a new day!
  75. Do you search for the Lord's will in your life?
  76. Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only
  77. Being a Burden Lifter
  78. Working Together
  79. Inner Light
  80. Instant Gratification
  81. Strength To Love
  82. Thanks for what we don’t even know awaits us
  83. Six Powerful Words
  84. An Impossible Challenge?
  85. When All Else Fails
  86. What God Calls You
  87. Facing Change
  88. Serve the Lord
  89. Change opens the way to greater good
  90. Life Lessons
  91. Lay up treasures in Heaven
  92. Attempting the Impossible
  93. Power for Living
  94. God Is Love
  95. Your Future isn’t Defined by Your Past
  96. The One Thing You Can Do
  97. Transformation
  98. What baggage do you have that is still following behind you after all this time?
  99. Completely Filled
  100. Fishing on the Wrong Side of the Boat
  101. Overwhelming Task
  102. Enthusiasm
  103. Boo!
  104. Repetition Brings Strength
  105. Not by Bread Alone
  106. Better, Not Bitter
  107. Just Follow
  108. Prosperity
  109. Not Lost In Translation
  110. Don't Give Up
  111. Fear Of Abandonment
  112. Foot First
  113. The Lord Will Fight for You
  114. Experience Joy as a Calm Delight
  115. I make room for God’s grace
  116. Are you hurting physically?
  117. If God is for us, who can be against us?
  118. Gaining Strength
  119. Do Not Worry
  120. Live All of Your Days
  121. Dressed To Deceive
  122. Shout for joy to the Lord
  123. God Is Our Only Hope
  124. Freedom from Fear
  125. A Searched Heart
  126. What are we thinking about?
  127. Renewed Vitality
  128. Four Grizzly Bears
  129. The Curmudgeon
  130. Choke Hold
  131. Make the First Move
  132. Mountains into Molehills
  133. I bravely surrender to God’s will in my life
  134. Do you have an important decision to make that impacts your future?
  135. Losing Power
  136. Sing of His Mercy
  137. Walking Through the Fear
  138. Instant Messaging
  139. You Won’t Get Stuck!
  140. Patience
  141. The Art of Knowing
  142. Pray for Others
  143. The Silent Pen
  144. Pray For Strength
  145. Don’t Be Intimidated
  146. Find Your Perfect Fit
  147. I find peace through forgiveness
  148. Do you ever get a feeling that God is telling you to do something?
  149. When We Feel Down And Out
  150. Without Power
  151. Talk To God About Everything
  152. Again I say Rejoice!
  153. A New Day
  154. The Negative Effect of Judging Others
  155. Never Forgotten
  156. Come, walk with Me
  157. Life emerges from within in perfect order
  158. Prone To Wander
  159. Thank God For You!
  160. Have you encountered a snag in your life?
  161. Wrong Turns
  162. Submit to the Potter's Hands
  163. Clearing Out The Clutter
  164. Mercy or Judgment?
  165. A Pure Heart
  166. Preprogrammed for Victory!
  167. Controlling Your Emotions During Crisis
  168. Job Titles
  169. Strong In God's Word
  170. Trusting in God, I am fulfilled
  171. Lovingkindness
  172. Direction and Protection
  173. Focus on God’s Promises
  174. Heart Food
  175. Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.
  176. Surrender Our All
  177. Thomas Time
  178. Let Thy Ways be my ways
  179. Are You Too Busy?
  180. His Plan Will Stand
  181. How to get past the pain of the past
  182. Are You Lovable?
  183. Free
  184. Perspective From The Clouds
  185. People Are More Important Than Things
  186. Missing a Treat
  187. A Year of Abundance
  188. What it really means to love others who hurt
  189. A Heart Poured Out
  190. Season
  191. Apples and Jesus
  192. Words From A Simple Heart
  193. Forgiveness
  194. Moving to a New Land
  195. How you can overcome the temptation to sin
  196. Peace and Confidence
  197. So Many Hurts
  198. Grateful
  199. Still Working
  200. Strength What Remains
  201. Restore me, Oh Lord
  202. Eternity in Your Heart
  203. God’s Timing
  204. Help is on the Way
  205. My faith rests in God within
  206. Faith Brings Strength
  207. If You Can’t Say Something Nice . . .
  208. Desires of the Heart
  209. Feeling Less Than Spiritual
  210. Make Your Move
  211. Desiring to Please Him in All Things
  212. Divine Idea
  213. Jesus Is Our Pattern
  214. Do we spend time cultivating our inner beauty?
  215. Worship the LORD with gladness
  216. Search For Strength
  217. Be Quick to Forgive
  218. Distant Heart
  219. Jesus is a true friend
  220. Unlimited Resources
  221. The Power of Choice
  222. Crazy Horse
  223. Real Peace
  224. Family
  225. Gentle Witness
  226. Don't Let Your Heart Be Troubled
  227. Who or what do you turn to when you have a tough day?
  228. Let us lift up our eyes to the Mountain
  229. A Fearful Heart
  230. According to His Riches
  231. How your fears can be put to rest
  232. Let Go, Let God
  233. Empty Before Full
  234. God Provides for His Own
  235. Resurrection Power
  236. How you can choose action over reaction
  237. Have No Fear
  238. Not Just Mercy, But Grace
  239. God is my all in all
  240. Are you happy? How long does your happiness last?
  241. Listen to Your Heart
  242. Increase in Unexpected Ways
  243. Provision in the Wilderness
  244. The best place to put everything you have
  245. I welcome harmony in my life
  246. The Link To Life
  247. I speak the language of love, and I am blessed
  248. Do Right
  249. Light in the Darkness
  250. Say “Thank You”