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  1. Spiritual Qualities
  2. Failure is Not Final
  3. Strength of Spirit
  4. God loves you just the way you are
  5. Baskets of Blessings Day 4
  6. The Lord is the One who comes alongside us to comfort and encourage us
  7. For Your Good
  8. Prepare For Harvest
  9. No Time
  10. Five-Minute Rule
  11. Baskets of Blessings Day 5
  12. Why Me
  13. Where are you looking for the strength and encouragement you need?
  14. Get Ready for the "New"
  15. Live One Day at a Time
  16. Simple Living
  17. Let Go of All Anger
  18. Baskets of Blessings Day 6
  19. We Aren't Ready
  20. Living in Love
  21. Proclaim His Greatness
  22. Think Positively
  23. The Lord wants to cover you with His wings
  24. Baskets of Blessings Day 7
  25. Receive His Word
  26. It is time
  27. Empty Out The Negative
  28. Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him
  29. Go to God with Your Mistakes
  30. The Helpful High
  31. What keeps you steady when things get tough?
  32. For He is the living God and He endures forever
  33. Baskets of Blessings Day 8
  34. Divine Interruptions
  35. Believe and Trust in the Lord
  36. Stepping forward
  37. How to Start the Day
  38. Bowl of Tears
  39. Watch Your Words
  40. The Lord is the great Restorer
  41. Put It Into Action
  42. Arise to what the Lord has planned and purposed for you
  43. Awake, my soul! Awake!
  44. Say Continually
  45. Taking ground
  46. Be An Encourager
  47. Satan, Get Out!
  48. Don’t give the devil a foothold
  49. What Do You Think of Yourself?
  50. Baskets of Blessings Day 10
  51. Time Management
  52. Putting Smiles on Faces
  53. His banner over you & me is love
  54. Baskets of Blessings Day 11
  55. There is no limit or end to His love for you
  56. Each one of us has a purpose and calling in God
  57. Jesus Will Not Forsake You
  58. Baskets of Blessings Day 12
  59. Your Seed Determines Your Harvest
  60. Choosing right for the future
  61. God is your refuge, and His everlasting arms are under you
  62. I'll restore your health and heal your wounds
  63. Dealing with the onslaught of the devil
  64. How the Holy Spirit Frees Us from Uncontrolled Thoughts
  65. Feed Your Faith Daily
  66. Happy Mothers Day
  67. The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life
  68. Laugh to Lift Yourself Up
  69. He Makes All Things New
  70. Baskets of Blessings Day 13
  71. Expectation
  72. Always Be Thankful
  73. Let God Have You
  74. Renewing our minds
  75. Helping Hand
  76. You Are Important!
  77. Let Go, Let God
  78. Baskets of Blessings Day 14
  79. Seed for Sowing
  80. The Lord is my Shepherd
  81. With God, Nothing Is Impossible
  82. Change
  83. Baskets of Blessings Day 15
  84. Why Are We Still Here
  85. The Lord is the source of all life, all power and all that exists
  86. He Prepares Your Path
  87. Trust God
  88. The Lord wants you to know and experience His favor on your life
  89. You Are Somebody's Miracle
  90. Baskets of Blessings Day 16
  91. We have a God in Whom we can trust
  92. Inner Peace
  93. Teaching Through Forgiveness
  94. Finding Grace & Peace
  95. May God be gracious to you
  96. Baskets of Blessings Day 17
  97. Always Available
  98. Rest for Your Soul
  99. Baskets of Blessings Day 18
  100. God Has A Plan For Your Life
  101. Our hope in the Lord is the anchor for our souls
  102. Love Can Change People
  103. You did not wake up today to be mediocre
  104. Never Alone
  105. Let your strength be in the fact that you belong to Him
  106. Five-step prayer process
  107. Baskets of Blessings Day 19
  108. Talk to God
  109. We can ask for help
  110. Remember the Good
  111. Gratitude
  112. Alive Magazine May 2019
  113. Baskets of Blessings Day 20
  114. Finding Strength
  115. Get Alone with God, and Wait
  116. A Prayer - For a New Heart
  117. Baskets of Blessings Day 21
  118. God's Word
  119. Disappointed? Get Reappointed
  120. Teach Love
  121. Divine Order
  122. Baskets of Blessings Day 22
  123. Gossip
  124. Overcoming Disappointments
  125. Spending Time
  126. Even in old age they will still produce fruit
  127. Baskets of Blessings Day 23
  128. God can turn any situation around
  129. The Lord is on your side
  130. Setup for a Comeback
  131. Never Alone
  132. Keeping God in full view
  133. Baskets of Blessings Day 24
  134. The Lord will be with you
  135. Renewal - It's Essential
  136. It’s Your Time
  137. Baskets of Blessings Day 25
  138. Show us the right path, O Lord
  139. New Seasons of Increase
  140. God comes with His love and strength for each new day
  141. Your Mistake Is Not Bigger Than God
  142. Talk To God About Everything
  143. A Holy Thing
  144. Baskets of Blessings Day 26
  145. With the Lord in our lives we NEVER need to lose heart
  146. Don’t Allow Yourself to Settle
  147. God is good
  148. Thank God For You!
  149. Really Alive
  150. The Lord wants to take care of you
  151. Baskets of Blessings Day 27
  152. God is the Holy, unchanging One
  153. Stop Trying and Start Trusting
  154. Greater Love
  155. You Don't Have to Burn Out
  156. Forgive Yourself
  157. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past
  158. The Lord wants us to experience His presence and hear His voice
  159. The Way To Get Ahead
  160. Baskets of Blessings Day 28
  161. Be an Imitator of God
  162. A Divine Helper
  163. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above
  164. Baskets of Blessings Day 29
  165. The Lord will lead you step by step out
  166. God is love
  167. It’s Time to Wake Up!
  168. Rekindling the Flame of Ministry
  169. Celebrate What’s in You
  170. We Don't Have To Doubt
  171. Baskets of Blessings Day 30
  172. Failure Is Not Final
  173. The still small voice of God
  174. The unfailing love of the Lord
  175. Comfort and peace in the love of God
  176. Turning to God
  177. For I am the LORD, your God, I, myself, will help you
  178. Do You Still Not Understand?
  179. The Lord wants to use you
  180. Baskets of Blessings Day 31
  181. The Log in My Eye
  182. Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind
  183. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength
  184. How Do I Plan?
  185. God’s Plans for You Started Before You Were Born
  186. Expect and Extend Mercy
  187. Here for You
  188. The Lord will restore our (your) fortune
  189. Don't Worry, Take Action!
  190. Love is always the right choice
  191. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - June
  192. Bible Verses - June
  193. Heart for the Lord – Day 1
  194. The Lord knows and understands all
  195. The Pruning Process
  196. Objects in Mirror
  197. Heart for the Lord Day 2
  198. The Lord has a plan and a purpose for your life
  199. Be on the alert. Stand firm in the faith.
  200. The love and the mercy of our loving Father reaches out to us
  201. We All Make Mistakes
  202. You give strength to Your people, LORD
  203. Remain
  204. Heart for the Lord Day 3
  205. From Struggles To Success
  206. You May Not See What’s in You
  207. Night Watches
  208. Get Up and Get Going
  209. Have you ever had a really bad day?
  210. Heart for the Lord Day 4
  211. Jesus Is Our Pattern
  212. Let Go, Let God
  213. When Things Look Hopeless
  214. Don't Get Distracted
  215. Can We Relax?
  216. Focus On Jesus
  217. I am the LORD your God!
  218. Heart for the Lord Day 5
  219. Don't Let Your Heart Be Troubled
  220. It’s OK to Tell Your Soul to Rest
  221. A Pause In Life
  222. The Lord has set you apart for His unique plan and purpose
  223. Refuse To Worry!
  224. Heart for the Lord Day 6
  225. My presence shall go with you
  226. With God anything can change at any moment
  227. When You’re Angry, Slow Down and THINK
  228. Fifteen-Minute Challenge
  229. Heart for the Lord Day 7
  230. He Holds Your Destiny
  231. Your Heavenly Father cares for you, Friend
  232. Listen
  233. Who's Number One?
  234. God Calling
  235. Teach me to do your will
  236. Heart for the Lord Day 8
  237. When you pray, go away by yourself
  238. Quiet! Be still!
  239. The Lord is the One who can turn any situation around
  240. Rings and Grace
  241. Learn Not To Stray
  242. Let Go of What Didn't Work Out
  243. Heavy Burden?
  244. Heart for the Lord Day 9
  245. If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat
  246. The Lord Guides Our Steps
  247. Anger Management
  248. Heart for the Lord Day 10
  249. New Every Morning
  250. The Lord can overrule and overturn anything