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  1. God made each of us uniquely for his purpose
  2. You Are Valuable
  3. Peace
  4. Proverb A Day – Day 30
  5. Never doubt the magnitude of God's forgiveness towards you
  6. God's Knowledge
  7. Refuse to Worry
  8. A Fresh Perspective
  9. Get Filled Up!
  10. Intimacy With Our Heavenly Father
  11. Press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God
  12. Give The Glory To God
  13. Joy Is a Decision
  14. Proverb A Day – Day 31
  15. Trust In God
  16. With God All Things Are Possible
  17. Get Your Joy Back
  18. May our words and thoughts be pleasing in His sight
  19. When Negative Thoughts Are Running Your Life
  20. Remember To Rest
  21. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - April
  22. Bible Verses - April
  23. Every day God's mercy is new
  24. Precious Promises – Day 1
  25. Miracles
  26. Bring your requests to Him and expect your heart to rejoice again
  27. This is the Day
  28. Daily Cleansing
  29. With a grateful heart, I give thanks for my blessings
  30. A Vital Necessity
  31. Quick to Forgive
  32. Paid in Full
  33. Hand Of Blessing
  34. Today, choose to see yourself like God sees you
  35. Turn to God
  36. The Tongue of the Wise
  37. God’s presence comforts me
  38. Seek the Truth
  39. Peel Off The Old Self
  40. Trust God Through the Hard Times
  41. Precious Promises – Day 2
  42. Precious Promises – Day 3
  43. Seek God Early
  44. What is the 'one thing' that you desire of the Lord?
  45. Jesus Christ is the truest of all friends!
  46. Going It Alone
  47. Patience
  48. Our help comes from the Lord
  49. Wisdom and Guidance
  50. Precious Promises – Day 4
  51. The Power of Prayer
  52. Every day of your life is important to the Lord
  53. What’s Your Part?
  54. When one foot walks, the other rests
  55. The Lord looks at you today and He loves you
  56. Don't Give Up!
  57. Wrong Turns
  58. Living in the now
  59. Storms of life
  60. Precious Promises – Day 5
  61. With the Lord, all things are possible
  62. What God says about you is more important
  63. The Lord is our Shepherd
  64. Spiritual Growth
  65. Precious Promises – Day 6
  66. For God Himself has said, 'I will never, never let go your hand!'
  67. God’s Delight
  68. Be a spiritual thrower
  69. Cleansed To Love
  70. Do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you
  71. Be Who You Are
  72. Precious Promises – Day 7
  73. The faithfulness of the Lord is the foundation of our lives
  74. All the days of our lives the Lord is with us
  75. Turn away from strife
  76. Orange You Glad!
  77. I L-O-V-E . . .
  78. God’s Peace
  79. Precious Promises – Day 8
  80. Don't be afraid, for God is with you
  81. Be Decisive
  82. Patience
  83. Precious Promises – Day 9
  84. Spring Cleaning: Clean Out Your Closet—Confess Your Sins
  85. Pray Anywhere
  86. Where Do You Turn for Help?
  87. The Power of Righteous Living
  88. Precious Promises – Day 10
  89. He Gives Strength
  90. The Lord will not in any way abandon or disown you
  91. Trust in the Lord and do good
  92. Feed on the Word!
  93. Our Best Friend
  94. Say No to Worry
  95. A Prayer for Healthy Boundaries
  96. Do not be anxious about anything
  97. Precious Promises – Day 11
  98. Embracing Change
  99. Letting Go
  100. Be a Billboard for Hope
  101. Overcome Evil with Good
  102. Precious Promises – Day 12
  103. High Praises of God
  104. You never know what God has got planned for you
  105. What does the LORD require of us?
  106. When Things Are Out of Control
  107. Being Consumed
  108. Transformation
  109. God is faithful
  110. Precious Promises – Day 13
  111. The Lord can touch and change the heart of any person
  112. Each moment of our lives is a gift from God
  113. Our Guilt
  114. The Lord wants to do great and wonderful things in your life
  115. Above All
  116. Learning to Cope with Criticism
  117. Alive Magazine April 2019
  118. Precious Promises – Day 14
  119. The Lord wants to empower us to handle things with His strength
  120. The Greatest Love of All
  121. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us
  122. Because Of Jesus
  123. “Come to me”, says the Lord
  124. A Prayer of Release to God for What We Cannot Control
  125. Let us reject doubt
  126. Precious Promises – Day 15
  127. Listen to Your Heart
  128. Take hold of God's word and His promises
  129. Delight yourself in the LORD
  130. Precious Promises – Day 16
  131. Celebrating Creativity
  132. God loves you
  133. I am the resurrection and the life
  134. Refuse To Worry!
  135. Precious Promises – Day 17
  136. Fix Our Thoughts On God
  137. May the reality of the risen Lord and His presence be a living reality in your life!
  138. Reading the Bible is worth it
  139. Precious Promises – Day 18
  140. God's promises are sure and dependable
  141. If the Lord is for you, who can be against you?
  142. Set the Tone
  143. May the Lord give you His peace
  144. Break Free from Other People’s Expectations
  145. But by the grace of God I am what I am
  146. God’s Plans
  147. God’s light always shines for us
  148. Make giving a habit in your life
  149. Precious Promises – Day 19
  150. Let God's word fill your heart and mind
  151. Keep Your Dreams Alive
  152. Create in me a pure heart, O God
  153. There is no end to what the Lord wants to do for you
  154. Precious Promises – Day 20
  155. Let us keep our eyes on the Lord
  156. We serve a wonderful and a faithful God who will do what He has said
  157. We are a chosen people
  158. Letting Go
  159. Go with the Flow
  160. No More Same Old Same Old
  161. Precious Promises – Day 21
  162. See What God Will Do
  163. Dream Boldly
  164. Enjoy the Journey
  165. The Gift of Giving
  166. Easter
  167. Rise Up Today
  168. Precious Promises – Day 22
  169. Who Says We Can’t Change?
  170. Nurture
  171. Really Live!
  172. Love Overcomes
  173. God hasn’t forgot about you
  174. Precious Promises – Day 23
  175. God Is Always With Us
  176. With God all things are possible
  177. Lean On God
  178. Precious Promises – Day 24
  179. The role of prayer
  180. Ask the Lord what you should do
  181. Our relationship with God is one we need to put first in our lives
  182. Set a guard over my mouth, LORD
  183. Precious Promises – Day 25
  184. Who Holds the Future
  185. The Lord is at work within you
  186. Open Your Heart
  187. The Lord will be with you
  188. Because Of His Promises
  189. Don’t Give Up
  190. The Lord wants to lead you
  191. He Increases Strength
  192. The Lord is faithful
  193. Confidence in the Lord
  194. Precious Promises – Day 26
  195. He Prepares the Way for Victory
  196. Abundant Life Today
  197. My Beloved Son (and Daughter)
  198. Blessings that we receive as part of God’s family
  199. Do you have a dream?
  200. A Prayer for Trust
  201. Precious Promises – Day 27
  202. In God take refuge
  203. Fully Loaded and Totally Equipped
  204. Where does our help come from?
  205. What God Does
  206. Be renewed in the spirit of your minds
  207. Precious Promises – Day 28
  208. One Thing is Needed
  209. Let us hold firmly to what we believe
  210. An Alternative to Anger
  211. Your Heavenly Father loves and cares for you
  212. Precious Promises – Day 29
  213. 4,999 Pieces
  214. Always safe and secure with God
  215. Take the time to plant the changes that you would like to see
  216. What kind of builders are we?
  217. A Biblical example of moving with the cloud
  218. When You Hurt, You Are Not Alone
  219. When Morning Comes
  220. God So Loved You
  221. You will not have to fight this battle
  222. Fear Leads to Worry
  223. The Lord wants to come and lift you up
  224. Precious Promises – Day 30
  225. Spring Cleaning: Let in the Fresh Air
  226. God’s Boundaries
  227. What can man do to me?
  228. Worry
  229. Expect a Turnaround
  230. Believe In God's Word
  231. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - May
  232. Bible Verses - May
  233. Baskets Of Blessings – Day 1
  234. Peace, Be Still
  235. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us
  236. Break Through the Wall
  237. Got Something On My Mind
  238. Hope in discouragement
  239. A Prayer for When You Can't 'Feel' God
  240. Baskets of Blessings Day 2
  241. Encourage Yourself
  242. Believe and Declare
  243. Inner Peace
  244. You will lack nothing
  245. Fall to Our Knees
  246. Why Train?
  247. Be someone's sunshine when their skies are gray
  248. Baskets of Blessings Day 3
  249. When God is Your Boss
  250. Helping Others