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  1. Speak as the Oracles of God
  2. We can know peace as we trust God
  3. When He opens His hand, we are satisfied with good things
  4. Trust the Lord
  5. Who Am I? Day 15
  6. Get Excited about Your Future
  7. The Lord will give you the strength that you need
  8. Don't Give Up!
  9. Put our hope and confidence in the Lord
  10. Who Am I? Day 16
  11. Don't be anxious about tomorrow
  12. Finished with Fear
  13. The Lord's promise to you is that He will be with you
  14. Wake Up And Smell the Coffee
  15. The Lord will watch over us
  16. Revive Your Joy
  17. Who Am I? Day 17
  18. The Lord wants to come and make His peace real to us
  19. Our eyes are on the Lord
  20. Who Am I? Day 18
  21. Who Am I? Day 19
  22. Our help comes from the Lord
  23. The Benefit Of Prayer
  24. Breath of Life
  25. Trust Him with Your Dreams
  26. The Lord sent His Holy Spirit to be with you continually
  27. Acknowledge God
  28. The Lord is able to turn things around
  29. Who Am I? Day 20
  30. What Are You Tending To?
  31. The Great I Am
  32. The Spirit of God
  33. True and lasting joy arises from the Christ within me
  34. God's Unfailing Love
  35. Alive Magazine January 2019
  36. Pursue righteousness and a godly life
  37. Who Am I? Day 21
  38. Speak To Your Mountain
  39. Determination leads to victory
  40. The Holy Spirit in our lives leads to transformation
  41. Who Am I? Day 22
  42. The Lord Himself watches over you
  43. Lack Nothing
  44. Be Renewed
  45. Do not neglect the gift that is in you
  46. Who Am I? Day 23
  47. The Lord is with you
  48. When To Rejoice
  49. Where are you headed?
  50. We are loved by our creator
  51. Receive His Mercy
  52. Keep Standing
  53. God empowers us, fills us with love and gives us clarity of mind
  54. Who Am I? Day 24
  55. The Lord Will Fight For You
  56. Agreeing with God
  57. Far and Beyond
  58. A Visit
  59. Who Am I? Day 25
  60. The Lord is the One who can come and make things new
  61. A child of God
  62. Be Positive
  63. First things first
  64. Consider Your God!
  65. Hand It Over
  66. Faith
  67. Who Am I? Day 26
  68. Create in me a clean heart, O God
  69. An Attitude Of Gratitude
  70. A prescription for peace
  71. Delivered from All
  72. The Lord is reliable, trustworthy and faithful
  73. Change the Way You Look at You
  74. The Lord is our peace
  75. Who Am I? Day 27
  76. Jump Over that Wall!
  77. Believe, See, Receive
  78. Get Filled!
  79. Do you 'know' the One in Whom you trust and believe?
  80. Trading Empty for Full
  81. Listen Up!
  82. Who Am I? Day 28
  83. The Power Of Obedience
  84. In the Midst of the Crowd
  85. Never Be Shamed
  86. Fix your thoughts
  87. Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power
  88. Strength to Conquer
  89. Who Am I? Day 29
  90. Trust God to Do it His Way
  91. Grace Brings Favor
  92. Living Large
  93. Trust in the LORD forever
  94. Make His Word the Last Word
  95. If you are weary and troubled, look up to Jesus today!
  96. The Word of God cannot be chained
  97. Believe and Receive
  98. Follow the Leader
  99. Speak To Your Mountains
  100. Who Am I? Day 30
  101. Take Your Thoughts Captive
  102. The Lord is our great and awesome God
  103. The Greatest Provision
  104. Dig Deeper
  105. Begin Again
  106. When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy
  107. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - February
  108. Bible Verses - February
  109. The Lord stood with me and gave me strength
  110. Conversation Heart – Acceptable Words
  111. Get Filled Up!
  112. The Lord loves you and He has many good things in store for you
  113. Trust God
  114. Have faith in God
  115. Conversation Heart – Believing Words
  116. Choose Faith Today
  117. The Lord is the One who can do the miracle you are trusting for
  118. A prayer: Open my ears, Lord
  119. Freedom from Addiction
  120. Forgive
  121. Get ready for the things that God wants to start to do in your life
  122. Say So
  123. The Lord is God, and He has made His light shine on us
  124. Balance In Life
  125. Faith Works
  126. The danger of losing hope
  127. Let God Strengthen You
  128. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ
  129. Different Responsibilities
  130. Is there a giant in your life that is trying to bring you down?
  131. Conversation Heart – Doing Mouth
  132. Conversation Heart – Exulting Tongue
  133. One Light at a Time
  134. The Lord is the One who calls out to us in our darkness
  135. Hang On!
  136. The faithfulness of our Lord remains
  137. Nothing's Too Small
  138. Conversation Heart – Excellent Speech
  139. Closer Than a Brother
  140. The Lord has not and will not reject or abandon you
  141. Open your hands, will you?
  142. Waiting Well
  143. Inner Peace
  144. Hope Until The End
  145. Cast your cares on the LORD
  146. Perspective
  147. Conversation Heart – Fruitful Words
  148. Eternal Hope
  149. Nothing is Wasted
  150. When Dark Clouds Gather
  151. The LORD knows those who are His
  152. Conversation Heart – Gentle Tongue
  153. What Defines Your Future?
  154. The Lord desires relationship with you
  155. Pet Blessing
  156. Let Go, Let God
  157. The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of distress
  158. Conversation Heart – Good Word
  159. Under God's shadow
  160. The Lord wants to work in your situation as a demonstration of His mighty power
  161. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still
  162. A Lamp and a Light
  163. Conversation Heart – Gracious Speech
  164. A Simpler Life
  165. Defeating Discouragement
  166. Believing Without Seeing
  167. My Faithful God
  168. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
  169. Choose Joy
  170. If God is for us, who can be against us?
  171. A Shoulder to Lean On
  172. God is merciful and full of steadfast love for all creation
  173. Conversation Heart – Guarded Mouth
  174. We can always begin again
  175. He Daily Loads Us with Benefits
  176. When there is a Hole In Your Soul
  177. Becoming a friend of God
  178. Dear God: I Want a Cloud, Too
  179. Our choice to follow God brings with it glorious consequences
  180. SELF
  181. Spiritual Being
  182. Hold Your Tongue
  183. The Lord wants to come right now and step into your situation
  184. Say No to Worry
  185. Conversation Heart – Just Tongue
  186. When Things Look Hopeless
  187. Jesus is the way, truth and life
  188. Be prepared and ready
  189. Conversation Heart – Joyful Lips
  190. Valentine
  191. Strategies for Building a Quiet Time
  192. We are His workmanship created in Christ
  193. God's Goodness
  194. The Lord is our good shepherd
  195. Conversation Heart – Kept Tongue
  196. The Lord is with you and He is on your side
  197. You Are God's Favorite
  198. Use the Pray-It Method When Reading Scripture
  199. God’s love for you is eternal, unconditional, and immeasurable
  200. The Lord loves you with an everlasting love
  201. Conversation Heart – Loving Words
  202. You are valuable and precious to the Lord and He loves you
  203. A Valentine Devotional
  204. A Valentine For God
  205. The Lord Goes With You
  206. Conversation Heart – Praising Mouth
  207. Getting Rid of Our Hate
  208. You are dearly loved by your Heavenly Father
  209. Faith
  210. Gentleness
  211. Never forget that your heavenly Father loves you
  212. Conversation Heart – Preaching Mouth
  213. Be Stable-Minded
  214. The Lord longs to lead you and to guide you
  215. The one constant
  216. A Hidden Treasure
  217. Lean on Him
  218. Lift up your eyes to the mountains
  219. First Step In Faith
  220. Conversation Heart – Purposed Mouth
  221. Every day is an opportunity that the Lord gives each one of us
  222. Don't Lose Hope!
  223. Designed to change
  224. Do not be anxious about anything!
  225. Conversation Heart – Restrained Lips
  226. Giving Is Planting Seed
  227. What do your choices say about you?
  228. Choose This Day
  229. Cast Off Anger and Bitterness
  230. Change your expectation to appreciation and the world changes immediately
  231. Each day is another opportunity to celebrate
  232. The Lord is our helper
  233. Conversation Heart – Righteous Lips
  234. Be ready
  235. God's Thoughts toward You
  236. The Light On Your Way
  237. Time to Get Away
  238. Each day we should remind ourselves of how great God is
  239. New Seasons Of God’s Blessing
  240. Conversation Heart – Simple Speech
  241. Expect God's Best
  242. One Another
  243. This is the Day
  244. Let God Interrupt You
  245. The Lord longs to shine His light upon your life
  246. God's Word Will Make You Free
  247. Where does our help come from?
  248. Thank You, God, for life
  249. A series of seasons
  250. Praise the Lord in all things