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  1. A New Route
  2. Christmas Countdown Day 14
  3. Scatter Your Enemies
  4. Setup for a Comeback
  5. Follow Jesus
  6. Refuse to Worry
  7. Treasuring Time
  8. Christmas Countdown Day 15
  9. Listen To God
  10. Never Disappointed
  11. Love
  12. A New Route
  13. Don't know how to pray or unsure of what to say?
  14. Turn Away Wrath
  15. Christmas Countdown Day 16
  16. Our Refiner
  17. Don’t Get Burned Out
  18. Joy to the World
  19. Reboot and Recover
  20. It's time to forgive
  21. Come Apart To Stay Together
  22. Stop, pause, and review your “To Do List”
  23. Rest Awhile
  24. Make Room For the New
  25. I have faith in God as my guide
  26. Christmas Countdown Day 17
  27. Be Still
  28. Start your morning at the feet of Jesus
  29. Handpicked by God
  30. Words by a Swimming Pool
  31. Christmas Countdown Day 18
  32. Let Go, Let God
  33. Let us abide in the teaching of Jesus Christ
  34. Change, Don't Complain
  35. Serving God
  36. Faith Under Fire
  37. A Tiny Seed, A Tiny Deed
  38. Help me turn my worries into prayers
  39. Christmas Countdown Day 19
  40. Do Not Be Afraid
  41. Hold Your Peace
  42. The Great Exchange
  43. Rest Awhile
  44. Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name
  45. Christmas Countdown Day 20
  46. Consider Your God
  47. He Collects Your Tears
  48. Peace, Be Still
  49. Be Kind to Those Who Aren’t Kind to You
  50. I bow down on bended knee
  51. Christmas Countdown Day 21
  52. He Restores Your Soul
  53. The Christmas Tree
  54. Loneliness During the Holidays
  55. Hang on!
  56. The Wonderful Counselor
  57. Rest and Renew
  58. Reenergize Yourself
  59. Candy Cane
  60. Christmas Countdown Day 22
  61. Christmas Wonder
  62. In the quiet, I feel the loving presence of God
  63. I honor and celebrate the Christ within—every moment of my life
  64. Christmas Countdown Day 23
  65. Unto Us
  66. When Christ looks at you, He sees you for who you can be
  67. Rest and Renew
  68. You are never alone, God is always with you
  69. Christmas Countdown Day 24
  70. God Sent a Savior
  71. With the Angels
  72. Unwrapping the Gift
  73. Christmas Day!
  74. The joy of giving
  75. The Greatest Gift
  76. Christmas
  77. New Year Countdown Day 1
  78. Do Not Be Afraid
  79. How Can You Know God Loves You?
  80. Nothing Can Separate Us
  81. New Year Countdown Day 2
  82. Your Ever-Present Help
  83. Equipped for Hard Things
  84. Get Rid Of Distractions
  85. Out With the Old, In With the New
  86. New Year Countdown Day 3
  87. Gratitude
  88. Each New Day
  89. Consider Your God
  90. Have you ever had an important event come up that you stressed out about?
  91. He Leads You by Peace
  92. His Grace is Enough
  93. Change the Way You Look at You
  94. New Year Countdown Day 4
  95. Nothing Can Hold You Back
  96. Let Him Order Your Steps
  97. A Continual Source of Peace
  98. Release Your Cares and Rest
  99. Celebrate the Positive
  100. New Year Countdown Day 5
  101. Make Plans for the Next Victory
  102. Your Word
  103. It’s a Jungle Out There!
  104. Jesus Chose You
  105. Fear not, little flock
  106. We Are God's Treasure
  107. Ministry Is Fulfilling Work
  108. Flourish in the New Year
  109. Finding Time
  110. You, too, Can Make a Difference
  111. Mind, Mouth, Moods, and Attitudes
  112. The New Has Come
  113. Happy New Year 2019
  114. Avoid Strife
  115. In His Company
  116. Hang in There
  117. As the year comes to a close, take time for reflection
  118. New Year Countdown Day 6
  119. Flourish in the New Year
  120. A Fresh Start
  121. Tomorrow starts a new year
  122. New Beginnings Make New Endings
  123. Christ Makes Everything New
  124. New Year, New Path
  125. New Year's Eve
  126. Weekly Scripture Memory - 2019
  127. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - January
  128. Bible Verses - January
  129. New beginnings are cause for celebration
  130. Be Christlike
  131. New Me
  132. 31 Days Of Thanks
  133. Happy New Year 2019
  134. Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me
  135. New Beginnings
  136. New Year
  137. Letting Go
  138. Give God Your Best Part
  139. What kind of life will I paint this year?
  140. New Year Blessings
  141. Who Am I?
  142. Want to Know Your Purpose? Ask Your Creator!
  143. God will supply every need
  144. You can choose your words
  145. Let us ask the Lord for rain
  146. Be Content
  147. The Perfect Gift
  148. Who Am I? Day 2
  149. Show me your ways O Lord
  150. Be A Minister
  151. Let His Love Show
  152. God is for us
  153. Pave the Way for Victory
  154. Lord’s Prayer
  155. What God Calls You
  156. Do You See It?
  157. Let’s live as though God is for us
  158. Look for Opportunity
  159. Uniqueness
  160. Accept God's Acceptance
  161. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
  162. Attitudes and choices
  163. Financial Storms
  164. Every Day is a Gift
  165. You Can Be Saved, No Matter What You’ve Done
  166. Who Am I? Day 3
  167. The Trumpet
  168. Who Am I? Day 4
  169. Abundant Life Today
  170. Possess Your Soul
  171. Change your attitude and change your life
  172. Feelings are emotions; they are not reality
  173. The Eyes Have It
  174. What if They Don’t Believe?
  175. Faith
  176. The secret aims of our hearts
  177. What We've Got
  178. Way Too Much
  179. A Request Jesus Loves
  180. Gifts of Spirit
  181. Do not worry about your life
  182. The faithful love of the LORD never ends
  183. Who Am I? Day 5
  184. Who Am I? Day 6
  185. Patience
  186. Time To Clean House
  187. Keep Pressing Through
  188. Be Friendly
  189. Forget the former things
  190. The Door Is Open...Will You Come?
  191. Who Am I? Day 7
  192. An All About Me Life- Or Maybe??
  193. Put Down Your Burdens
  194. Step Across the Faith Line
  195. Change
  196. One Power
  197. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past
  198. Make It a Habit
  199. Hope in the Living God, who is the Savior of all people
  200. Who Am I? Day 8
  201. The Lord has plans for you
  202. Exceedingly Abundantly
  203. People Before Things
  204. Relax
  205. Jesus Is Our Pattern
  206. Be an example
  207. Who Am I? Day 9
  208. Light and Joy
  209. When Things Look Hopeless
  210. Pet Blessing
  211. Random Acts of Kindness
  212. As You Wait
  213. Wholly Available
  214. The Lord is faithful
  215. Who Am I? Day 10
  216. There is always something that we can rejoice about
  217. Stay Connected
  218. Guidance
  219. Which Way Will You Choose?
  220. Let Jesus Guide You
  221. Don't Look at the Storm
  222. God's promises are certain
  223. I am the child of a loving God
  224. Finding Joy
  225. Divinely protected
  226. Choose Joy
  227. Breaking Bad Habits
  228. Who Am I? Day 11
  229. The Lord is your Shepherd and He will take care of you
  230. The Gift of Today
  231. Let the peace of Christ be the controlling factor in your hearts
  232. Run and Not Grow Weary
  233. Our Daily Work
  234. Crave God’s Presence
  235. Who Am I? Day 12
  236. This One Thing
  237. Be kind to yourself
  238. Trust In God
  239. Remember When
  240. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever
  241. Make Preparations
  242. The LORD is all I have, and so in Him I put my hope
  243. God has big plans for you
  244. Who Am I? Day 13
  245. Waiting Well
  246. Be kind to yourself because God loves you
  247. Do Not Be Afraid
  248. And whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he
  249. You, LORD, are all I have, and You give me all I need
  250. Who Am I? Day 14