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  1. Be Content
  2. Resist the Devil
  3. Daily Reflection - December
  4. God wants you to know. . . - December
  5. Encouraging Word - December
  6. Bible Verse Of The Day - December
  7. So that You May be Healed
  8. Nothing Will Be Impossible For You
  9. God Waiting
  10. Laugh!
  11. Trust God
  12. It’s Not Surprising!
  13. Lack No Good Thing
  14. Integrity League
  15. People Are Precious
  16. Remember that God does love you unconditionally
  17. His Words - our joy and our heart's delight
  18. Footprints
  21. For Your Own Sake
  22. Spirit guides and nurtures my soul
  23. Choose To Be Changed
  25. The Journey of Preparation
  26. All things are possible for those who believe
  27. God doesn't ask us to work for His love
  28. With clean hands, and a pure heart we shall see God!
  29. Exactly What You Need
  30. How Do We Endure?
  31. His Words
  32. Day by day, I experience the greatness of God
  33. Get Your “Wanter” Fixed
  34. The Original Temptation
  35. Rejoice in the Lord always
  36. Love Much
  37. Synchronicity
  38. Upside Down
  39. Discerning Satan
  40. Reach Out
  41. Personal Retreat
  42. Spiritual Gifts
  43. How Do You Get Other's To Believe?
  44. He Will Fight Your Battles
  45. Honor God’s Voice Above All
  46. God’s Gifts
  47. Hang On!
  48. Enjoy A New Beginning
  49. Been There, Done That
  50. The Day You've Been Waiting For
  51. No Longer a Stranger
  52. Harmony
  53. Draw Near to God
  54. How Will You Finish?
  55. Focus On God
  56. When your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow
  57. Who are ya?
  58. Start Something
  59. Start Something Good
  60. He Doesn’t Remember
  61. Forget Not All His Benefits
  62. Human Proposition
  63. Love brings meaning to life
  64. Nothing Wasted
  65. Grace Forgets
  66. If I feel out of sorts, I take time for play, prayer, and meditation
  67. Which Wolf Are You Feeding?
  68. Breaking Free From the Comparison Trap
  69. Setup for a Comeback
  70. Follow Jesus
  71. The Indisputable One
  72. Spiritual Dead End
  73. A New Route
  74. Love
  75. Don't know how to pray or unsure of what to say?
  76. By My Spirit
  77. What's It Going To Take?
  78. Never Disappointed
  79. Listen To God
  80. Paul’s Secrets for Handling Stress
  81. He Has Shown You
  82. Joy to the World
  83. Our Refiner
  84. Forgive
  85. Don’t Get Burned Out
  86. Esteeming One Another
  87. Stop, pause, and review your “To Do List”.
  88. Each day a new beginning
  89. Be Still
  90. Joy
  91. It's time to forgive
  92. Magnify the Lord
  93. He Loves You
  94. Let Go, Let God
  95. Let us abide in the teaching of Jesus Christ
  96. Change, Don't Complain
  97. The Great Exchange
  98. Hold Your Peace
  99. The light of God surrounds me, and I am whole
  100. Rest Awhile
  101. Consider Your God
  102. Times spent with loved ones are deeply treasured gifts
  103. Come Apart to Stay Together
  104. He Restores Your Soul
  105. Every day in every way my awareness of God increases
  106. The Wonderful Counselor
  107. I welcome each day with zeal and enthusiasm
  108. Christmas Wonder
  109. The Devil’s Seeds of Doubt
  110. Unto Us
  111. I praise God. All is good.
  112. Give Him the Gift of Worship
  113. Christ in me is my hope of glory.
  114. Rest and Renew
  115. Christmas Bible Verses
  116. Recognize What You Have
  117. I share the gift of God’s love, and I am blessed
  118. The joy of giving
  119. Candy Cane
  120. Celebrate Jesus
  121. Do Not Be Afraid
  122. As we become peaceful, peace fills the world.
  123. Staying Close to the Shepherd
  124. Enjoy Yourself
  125. He Leads You by Peace
  126. I am patient, kind, and loving
  127. Consider Your God
  128. I rest in the comfort of Spirit
  129. The Presentation
  130. Have you ever had an important event that you stressed out about?
  131. Let God Set Your Agenda
  132. Love God With All Your Mind
  133. Gratitude
  134. Each New Day
  135. Light On My Path
  136. Nothing Can Hold You Back
  137. I am alive, alert, and enthusiastic about life!
  138. Get Rid Of Distractions
  139. Out With the Old, In With the New
  140. ~Jesus Is God In Human Form~
  142. Make Plans for the Next Victory
  143. I give birth to greater potential in me.
  144. Get Up and Work
  145. It’s a Jungle Out There!
  146. Your Word
  147. A New Year
  148. "...bad faith???"
  149. Daily Reprieve - January
  150. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - January
  151. Flourish in the New Year
  152. New Beginnings Make New Endings
  153. A Fresh Start
  154. I grow boundlessly in Christ Consciousness
  155. 10 Resolutions For 2014
  156. Have you stopped daring to hope?
  157. What I have said, that will I bring about
  158. Tomorrow starts a new year
  159. Encouraging Word - January
  160. Daily Reflection - January
  161. God wants you to know. . . - January
  162. Bible Verse Of The Day - January
  163. NACR Daily Meditation - January
  164. The New Has Come
  165. A new beginning, a fresh start, the entrance of the New Year
  166. Mind, Mouth, Moods, and Attitudes
  167. New beginnings are cause for celebration
  168. 31 Days Of Thanks
  169. Have you ever wondered what is God's will in your life?
  170. Happy New Year 2014
  171. Riding out the Storm
  172. Be Christlike
  173. New Me
  174. Finding Time
  175. He Withholds No Good Thing
  176. Face to Face With Our Past
  177. As I let go and trust God, I am calm and secure
  178. No Appetite
  179. Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me
  180. Could It Happen To Me?
  181. Setbacks to Success
  182. About trusting God
  183. Look Straight Ahead
  184. Keep in Touch with God
  185. I reap the benefits of self-discipline
  186. Help From His Spirit
  187. How is it that we lose our endurance?
  188. Keeping your eyes forward in the New Year
  189. Start new today!
  190. The rewards that come when you stay committed
  191. Let Jesus into your life
  192. Burnout Symptoms
  193. Taking Out the Garbage
  194. Co-Creators
  195. Something New for You!
  196. Every challenge reveals my spiritual power
  197. Watch Your Words
  198. Situation Excellent
  199. Rejoice and give thanks
  200. In His Presence
  201. Check Your "Glasses"
  202. Living the Full Life
  203. He Withholds No Good Thing
  204. I surrender to Oneness. I am free
  205. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature
  206. Ask Big
  207. New Day
  208. The Night No One Came
  209. Shine on! Shine on!
  210. Do you sing in the shower?
  211. Four Benefits of Putting Margin in Your Life
  212. Attacks of the Enemy
  213. Character Education: God is Trustworthy
  214. Listen Up
  215. Blessing Will Come on You
  216. Trust God Completely
  217. Every new moment is an opportunity to begin again with a clean slate
  218. God So Loved You
  219. Listen for the Silent Priories
  220. The Light of Joy
  221. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world
  222. Change the Course of Your Day
  223. Where Did I Go?
  224. Lessons in Contentment
  225. I Am Your Shield
  226. Take Another Look
  227. See the Wonders of God
  228. The Great Physician
  229. The Command to Do Nothing
  230. Divine Love fills my heart, and I forgive
  231. The Hidden Life
  232. Character Education: God is Caring
  233. Along The Way
  234. The Danger of Drifting
  235. The Summit
  236. God is infinite supply
  237. Why spend money on what is not bread?
  238. Find Grace
  239. Through the Magnifying Glass
  240. Character Education: God is Generous
  241. Journeys and Destinations
  242. Heaven's Currency
  243. Determine Your Priorities
  244. Available
  245. For The Long Run
  246. Honor the Lord with Your Body
  247. Nevertheless
  248. My life reflects God’s peace within
  249. The Journey Begins
  250. If You Can’t Say Something Nice