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  1. The Place of Blessing
  2. God’s grace is new every morning
  3. Choose to Trust
  4. Jesus Will Not Forsake You
  5. Inner Beauty
  6. Hangry
  7. Man shall not live on bread alone
  8. Call on Him
  9. Set Your Mind and Keep it Set
  10. Overflowing Fruit
  11. Broken Heart? The Lord Is Close
  12. The Lord has wonderful plans and purposes for our lives
  13. Thanks Be to God
  14. Spiritual Check Up Day 11
  15. Reflection
  16. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go
  17. Now on whom do you trust...?
  18. Relationships
  19. When You Feel Like You’re Barely Making It
  20. Spiritual Check Up Day 12
  21. With the Lord we always have the opportunity of starting again
  22. An attitude of gratitude
  23. God is always with us
  24. God's Word Brings Focus
  25. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - September
  26. Trust In The Lord
  27. Willingness
  28. Spiritual Check Up Day 13
  29. Set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God
  30. God's Word Brings Direction
  31. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - September
  32. Bible Verses - September
  33. See! The winter is past!
  34. Today
  35. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 1
  36. The Lord changes times and seasons
  37. House Number 6
  38. Fearless Living
  39. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 2
  40. No More Insecurity
  41. What causes you to worry, and act out of fear?
  42. Step Boldly Forward
  43. The Lord is able to deliver you from the deepest waters
  44. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 3
  45. The Lord wants to come and strengthen you
  46. Bearing The Weight
  47. Forgive Others
  48. Hold fast and cling to the Lord
  49. Relaxation is important to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health
  50. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 4
  51. My grace is sufficient for you
  52. The Snowball Effect of Comforting Others
  53. God is with us
  54. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 5
  55. What is the longing of your heart today?
  56. A Time to Reset
  57. Guidance
  58. I Come to the Garden Alone
  59. The Lord is the One who makes a way for us
  60. Open our lives to God
  61. Give It to God
  62. When You Feel Lost in Your Life
  63. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 6
  64. Life-Energizing Thoughts
  65. Jesus My Victory
  66. God always has the final say
  67. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 7
  68. The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
  69. Pray for Others
  70. Be Positive
  71. The Lord is your great and mighty deliverer
  72. A Time to Text, A Time to Talk
  73. Carried Through
  74. Hope in the Lord
  75. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 8
  76. Make Prayer A Priority
  77. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 9
  78. Who (the Lord) redeems your life from the pit
  79. In the Face of Pressure
  80. Speaking words of appreciation
  81. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 10
  82. Let Go and Let God
  83. I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand
  84. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength
  85. His Still Small Voice
  86. Give thanks to the Lord
  87. Where Can I Find Help?
  88. God has a plan
  89. Serve Others
  90. The One Who Understands
  91. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 11
  92. Times of Refreshing
  93. A Deposit of Power
  94. Change Your Name
  95. What do you want me to do for you?
  96. Something Good
  97. The Lord wants to show us the wonders of His love
  98. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 12
  99. The hands of God
  100. Be still, and know that I am God
  101. God can fill your empty nets
  102. A Time to Reflect
  103. The Lord will be your confidence
  104. Free
  105. How to Be Unique and Effective
  106. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 13
  107. The Lord is a good Father who longs to show you His kindness and goodness
  108. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want
  109. Priorities
  110. Sing A New Song
  111. Getting Rid of Anger
  112. The Lord is your wonderful provider
  113. But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice
  114. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 14
  115. If God is for us, who can be against us?
  116. I embrace life by focusing on the present moment
  117. Get in Balance
  118. Wandering From The Truth
  119. Call upon the Lord
  120. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 15
  121. The Lord wants to instill new vision and dreams in your heart
  122. Juggling
  123. We are each a part of God
  124. Good Can Come From Anywhere
  125. Be Still and Wait
  126. The magnitude of God's great love
  127. Let Go, Let God
  128. Gossip
  129. Responding to Conflict
  130. Jesus Never Fails
  131. Pause
  132. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 16
  133. The Lord is continuously at work in each of our lives
  134. Take a deep breath! God is in control!
  135. You Have a Choice
  136. Bad News
  137. The Healing Power Of God
  138. One Man’s Influence
  139. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 17
  140. Carried in His Arms
  141. Let God recycle your troubles today
  142. If you are going through a problem today, how do you overcome it?
  143. Alive Magazine September 2017
  144. Pray for Others
  145. Watch the Conductor
  146. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 18
  147. The Lord wants each of us to experience and enjoy His love
  148. Let His mighty power be at work in you
  149. God of the Impossible
  150. A Deposit of Power
  151. First Things First
  152. Trust in the Lord our God
  153. The Best Portion of All
  154. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 19
  155. God wants to pour out His living water and blessings on us
  156. Share It Forward
  157. The Devil Made Me Do It
  158. The Lord your God is with you
  159. Cheerful Heart
  160. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 20
  161. Cling To God
  162. God is our source for peace and comfort
  163. Develop Your Potential
  164. Ask God
  165. God has gone out before you
  166. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 21
  167. Expecting God to come through for you
  168. God is our salvation
  169. A Gift for Others and for Yourself
  170. Through the Trials
  171. The Eyes of the LORD
  172. Tunnel Vision
  173. Be Still: Savor the Present Moment
  174. The Lord Is faithful
  175. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 22
  176. Let your heart have confidence in the Lord your God
  177. God's Word Is Fail-Safe
  178. More Than Enough
  179. Meditate On God's Truths
  180. What Simon Said
  181. Visualize Your Hopes
  182. Rekindle the Fire
  183. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 23
  184. The Lord is our strength and our shield
  185. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
  186. "Gird Up" Your Mind
  187. Put your past in the past!
  188. Prayer is simply talking to God
  189. Let God come and fill you afresh today
  190. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 24
  191. Divine love flows to me as abundant good
  192. Be a People Builder
  193. An Unmoving Target
  194. Blessings, Promises and Truths
  195. Have you ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place?
  196. When You Hurt, You Are Not Alone
  197. God will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you
  198. It Is Finished
  199. Seeking the Lord
  200. Let Go, Let God
  201. Apart but Not Abandoned
  202. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 25
  203. Wait and hope for and expect the Lord
  204. Tips for Better Quiet Time With God
  205. The Lord will sustain and carry you
  206. The Secret of Contentment
  207. Forgive
  208. Our competence comes from God
  209. Look to the Lord and His strength
  210. Open my ears - A prayer
  211. Whispers from God to a Hungry Heart
  212. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 26
  213. Instructions for a godly life
  214. God has a plan
  215. The Lord is a shield around us
  216. Finding Contentment
  217. Trusting the Lord
  218. The light of God
  219. Clothes for the Climate
  220. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 27
  221. The Lord will not forget His people
  222. Spend Time with Jesus every day
  223. God has not forgotten you
  224. An Ugly Tree
  225. Forgive
  226. Stress and Other Things
  227. Honoring God
  228. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 28
  229. Be Thankful
  230. Happiness
  231. Be as Little Children
  232. The Lord wants His love for us to be a living reality
  233. Ask God to restore the joy of your heart today
  234. Manifesting Your Reality
  235. Do not fear; I will help you
  236. He Seeks Your Return
  237. The Lord is always with us
  238. Pray for Others
  239. Spiritual Vitamins–Day 29
  240. Victory rests with the Lord
  241. An attitude of gratitude
  242. Before you are ready to learn, you must empty your cup
  243. Streams in the Desert
  244. The Lord is in the restoration business
  245. Jesus says, “Follow me.”
  246. During Anxious Times
  247. Change
  248. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - October
  249. New Dawn
  250. Spiritual Vitamins—Day 30