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  1. Another Helper
  2. Quiet your soul
  3. Trust and believe in the Lord
  4. Right Now He’s Working on Your Behalf
  5. How can we place our trust in God?
  6. God's Word Is Like A Seed
  7. God knows our every need
  8. Alive Magazine July 2017
  9. Hiding in the Right Place
  10. Grace Abounds
  11. The Lord has prepared a path for your footsteps
  12. How can we place our trust in God?
  13. Follow His lead
  14. The Lord will do His part
  15. Know When to Turn Away
  16. Forgive
  17. Count Your Blessings
  18. Quick to Forgive
  19. Mightier than All
  20. The Lord can deal with anything
  21. The role of fear
  22. Let Go, Let God
  23. The Lord has promised never to leave us nor forsake us
  24. We have a God in Whom we can trust
  25. Abundant Life Today
  26. My help comes from the Lord
  27. Let the whole world bless our God and loudly sing His praises
  28. Give It Up!
  29. Just Imagine
  30. The Lord Is Our Deliverer
  31. Safe and Secure with God
  32. There Will Be Good Days
  33. As Your Soul Prospers
  34. You are valuable and precious to the Lord
  35. Forgiveness
  36. Press Toward the Promise
  37. The Lord delights in His children
  38. Praise the Lord!
  39. The danger of looking back
  40. Walk Through
  41. The Lord wants to come and fill your heart with gladness and joy
  42. Everybody’s Got Somethin’
  43. The Lord cares for you
  44. Unchained
  45. O my God, in You I trust
  46. Retrain Your Brain
  47. Christ is Your Strength
  48. Let Go, Let God
  49. The Lord wants to come and guide you step by step
  50. Think on These Things
  51. The Lord will NEVER abandon us
  52. God’s presence should go ahead of us
  53. Inner Peace
  54. The Lord wants us to know and enjoy His presence
  55. Make Time with God a Priority
  56. Keep On Keeping On
  57. The Prodigal Cat
  58. Prayer is our vital connection with our Heavenly Father
  59. Balance
  60. The voice of the Lord is over the waters
  61. Step Into the Light
  62. Job Security
  63. The Gift of Repentance
  64. My Story
  65. A Clean Slate
  66. God Comforts You
  67. Treasures Within
  68. Thank God today that He has the power to transform and rebuild any life
  69. Rebuilding Passion
  70. Relaxation
  71. God's plan for your life
  72. He Satisfies
  73. Awaiting New Growth
  74. Open Bible, Open Heart, Open Ears
  75. God Is An Artist
  76. Lacking Nothing
  77. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - August
  78. Bible Verses - August
  79. You are the light of the world
  80. Transformation
  81. In the Silence
  82. The Lord is with you
  83. Wherever we are, God is present
  84. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - August
  85. Do what is right in the eyes of the Lord
  86. Sometimes we have to just take the next step and leave the rest to God
  87. Observe to Do
  88. New Day
  89. The Lord is able to provide
  90. Meditate
  91. One Thing I Know
  92. He Gives Strength
  93. New Opportunity
  94. The Right Words To Say
  95. The Lord will come and touch our lives in wonderful ways
  96. No Words
  97. Give thanks in every circumstance
  98. Joy Stealers
  99. Ask, seek and knock persistently
  100. Choose Joy
  101. Rest and renewal are a necessity
  102. Do not avenge
  103. The Lord can turn around any situation
  104. God’s loving presence protects us
  105. Pleased To Serve
  106. When You’re Lonely, God Is with You
  107. Transformed
  108. A Prayer to Keep it Together When Your Life is Falling Apart
  109. The Lord wants you to be able to make progress
  110. Persevere Until You See the Promise
  111. Where the mind goes, the man follows
  112. God's Value System
  113. A Prayer for When You Feel Weary and Burdened
  114. Refocusing on Jesus
  115. Do the will of God
  116. Peace begins with me, but how do I find it?
  117. Keep Alert
  118. Discipline Is Not a Dirty Word
  119. How I Know That It’s Never Too Late
  120. Strength in the Lord
  121. Connected to God
  122. Power in Perspective
  123. Freedom to be our best self
  124. Man of God
  125. Switch Over
  126. Choices
  127. How Is Your Attitude
  128. Possess God's Rest
  129. The Lord wants to speak to you and give you the direction that you need
  130. Set Aside Time For Prayer
  131. The Lord is the God of the miraculous and the supernatural
  132. A Prayer for Those Who Feel Wounded
  133. A Living Example
  134. Make family first ministry
  135. Forgiveness clears our way
  136. Releasing the Weight of Worry
  137. Think of all the wonderful things God has done for you
  138. Plan for Good
  139. Everyday Thanks
  140. Wear the Label “God-Made”
  141. Obey the Lord's instructions
  142. Secret Service
  143. Divine energy
  144. I’m . . . Uh . . . Sorry
  145. Something New For You
  146. Decisions To Be Made
  147. Meditate on the Word
  148. He Brings Justice
  149. The Lord has done great things
  150. Hope In Jesus
  151. I am the bread of life
  152. Give Thanks
  153. Beautiful Creation
  154. God as Your Helmsman in the Storm
  155. The Lord will never leave you nor forsake you
  156. You can do all things
  157. God is in charge, and all is well
  158. God Has A Plan
  159. Divine intervention
  160. An Ornament of Grace
  161. Let Go, Let God
  162. Jesus Died For You
  163. He Gives Strength
  164. Do not let your hearts be troubled
  165. Clothe Yourself
  166. Let Go, Let God
  167. The One Thing That Always Comforts Me
  168. Increase of Grace
  169. Jesus the Good Shepherd
  170. You can run to God
  171. "Putting On”–TRUST
  172. “Putting On”–STRENGTH
  173. Alive Magazine August 2017
  174. The joy of knowing you will see your Lord and God
  175. Restoration
  176. Gifts by Grace
  177. The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you
  178. You can believe
  179. Trusting in God
  180. Living Ordinary Days with an Extraordinary Attitude
  181. You can rest, knowing that God has your back
  182. You can press through
  183. The Lord is our strength and our shield
  184. God is always the answer and the solution
  185. God wants to do great things in you and through you
  186. Worshiping the Lord
  187. Getting past the past
  188. The Lord wants to come and put a new song in your mouth
  189. Forgive
  190. Fear not!
  191. Always An Upgrade
  192. “Putting On”–YOKE OF JESUS
  193. Our Father
  194. The Lord longs for relationship with us
  195. Complete Your Work
  196. Spiritual Check Up Day 1
  197. Physical and Mental Rest
  198. Look to Jesus
  199. Spiritual Check Up Day 2
  200. The Lord is our sacred hiding place
  201. Be Still
  202. Your Appointed Time
  203. Spiritual Check Up Day 3
  204. Words To God
  205. God, working within us
  206. Recognize What You Have
  207. Make Room
  208. The Lord is your protection
  209. Spiritual Check Up Day 4
  210. One Thought at a Time
  211. You are part of the Lord's plan
  212. Come to Me—just as you are
  213. Take time each day to rest and recharge
  214. Molded into His Image
  215. You are all together beautiful
  216. The Lord will rescue us
  217. For Your Own Sake
  218. Stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you
  219. New Habits
  220. A Lifetime’s Journey
  221. Spiritual Check Up Day 5
  222. No pit is so deep that God cannot lift you out of it
  223. Spiritual Check Up Day 6
  224. Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always
  225. Inner Truth
  226. Open our eyes, Lord, so that we may see
  227. Spiritual Check Up Day 7
  228. The presence of God
  229. Receive the Gift
  230. Our Time
  231. Give Him Your Cares
  232. Spiritual Check Up Day 8
  233. How good it is to be near God!
  234. Every Day is a Gift
  235. God uses what we have
  236. Trust Jesus and hope in Him
  237. Being Spirit Led
  238. Spiritual Check Up Day 9
  239. In His Eyes
  240. What is more important to me than Jesus?
  241. Confidence in Him
  242. One touch from the Master's hand and we are never the same
  243. Faith
  244. God's Blessings
  245. Jesus Will Give You Rest
  246. Speak Love
  247. No one on this Earth is too far gone for Jesus
  248. This is a day of good news
  249. Spiritual Check Up Day 10
  250. Reverence for God adds hours to each day