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  1. The Call to Return
  2. Believe God over People
  3. Time Off
  4. Make a Plan
  5. I receive the grace of God
  6. Be Truthful
  7. It’s Never Too Late
  8. Look forwards not backwards
  9. Learning From Mistakes
  10. Watching
  11. I receive the grace of God
  12. You Are Important!
  13. Get Over It
  14. How to Control a Hot Temper
  15. Stay Focused on What He Can Do
  16. Risks
  17. Seasons may change but God’s grace remains the same
  18. Minister To Your Emotions
  19. Don't Try to Hurry the Harvest
  20. I Will Rejoice!
  21. Make God the top priority in your life
  22. THE Right Thing
  23. Don’t Underestimate What You Have
  24. Stop and chat with God
  25. Find Balance
  26. Loving And Knowing
  27. A Brand New Thing
  28. Sharing
  29. There is only One Presence and One Power in the Universe—God the Good
  30. Healthy Ingredients
  31. Appreciate Your Calling
  32. Sudden Breakthroughs
  33. The Tax Collector
  34. Every prayer connects me to the Divine within
  35. God In The Storm
  36. Freely you have received; freely give
  37. Speak Positively
  38. Believe in Yourself
  39. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind
  40. How to Face an Uncertain Future
  41. God's Love
  42. Growing My Faith
  43. Switch Over to the Victory Channel
  44. The Call
  45. No Easy Solutions
  46. Change
  47. Wait On The Lord
  48. Flying round the light
  49. Attitude in Adversity
  50. God's not done with me yet!
  51. When God Says, "No"
  52. Forgiveness is an expression of God’s love
  53. Wonderful!
  54. Let your words be kind
  55. He is with me always
  56. BE STILL...And God
  57. Get Back Up
  58. Natural Pleasures
  59. Do we limit ourselves?
  60. I Can’t!
  61. The Prayer of Commitment
  62. Forgiveness
  63. Responsibility
  64. God's Word Changes Things
  65. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - November
  66. Daily Reprieve - November
  67. He Increases Your Strength
  68. Real Presence
  69. How your kindness can change everything
  70. Just Ask!
  71. I am safe and secure in the light of God
  72. God's Thoughts Concerning You
  73. Daily Reflection - November
  74. God wants you to know. . . - November
  75. Encouraging Word - November
  76. Bible Verse Of The Day - November
  77. The Will of God
  78. Centered in the consciousness of truth, I am complete
  79. Be Who You Are
  80. Beloved of God
  81. Facing Temptation
  82. In All Circumstances
  83. Advice
  84. Enjoy Your Whole Day
  85. Seasons
  86. Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you
  87. Defeat Worry
  88. Hush and Relax
  89. God is Our Refuge
  90. He Gives You All Things
  91. Meditation
  92. Our Defender
  93. Encourage Don't Criticize
  94. Develop Faith Power
  95. Humbly Grateful, Not Grumbly Hateful
  96. Catch the Little Foxes
  97. Competition
  98. The best way to learn the Word of God
  99. Learn From Your Mistakes
  100. I express my creative power
  101. Keep Balanced
  102. Let No One Look down on You
  103. Decide Ahead of Time
  104. Who Are You?
  105. Never Go to Bed Angry
  106. I am at one with God
  107. Talk To God Anywhere
  108. You Are in Control of Your Happiness
  109. Have you ever had a night when you just couldn’t sleep?
  110. Take Time to Get to Know People
  111. Through the Christ within, I find my calm.
  112. The wise woman builds her house
  113. Overcome with Good
  114. The Unexpected
  115. Through Disappointments
  116. Let Go, Let God
  117. Invite your Heavenly Father to walk with you
  118. Don’t Give it Up!
  119. Barriers
  120. As Vital as Food
  121. Take Time to Play
  122. I am guided by my inner light
  123. Worry
  124. The Gift
  125. Blessings
  126. Faith Hangs on
  127. I trust in the orderly unfolding of my life
  128. The Rock
  129. 3 By's
  130. The Inside You
  131. Recall God's Past Care for You
  132. Wait and Trust
  133. New Strength
  134. Get Filled Up!
  135. Talk about God—Not the Devil
  136. Converse with God continually
  137. Anxious for Nothing
  138. Practical Ways for Your Days
  139. Disaster Diaries
  140. What are you building your house on?
  141. Give thanks to Him... Who remembered us in our low estate
  142. Believe and Enter Rest
  143. Can you really trust God’s promises?
  144. Do you have a plan for your life? A destination?
  145. Getting What We Want
  146. Do you have everything you need?
  147. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you
  148. Let’s Be Friends
  149. Keep Asking
  150. God's Ways Are not Our Ways
  151. I open my mind to plenty and receive with gratitude
  152. Forgive Yourself
  153. Why Read The Bible?
  154. Don't Lose Focus
  155. Stop Quenching The Spirit
  156. The Lord's Baseball Game
  157. Refuse to Worry
  158. Do you need to recharge your batteries?
  159. The Christ Presence is always in me
  160. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience
  161. Be Still
  162. More Than Enough
  163. Becoming Like Him
  164. I am filled with the joy of Spirit!
  165. Our Fearless Champion
  166. Leave Your Case With God
  167. Remember you not the former things
  168. Allow God to shape you
  169. Be Confident In God
  170. Calling Forth Seeds of Greatness
  171. Take Positive Action
  172. To Whom It Is Due
  173. Divine Connection
  174. Through Faith and Patience
  175. God is my comfort and my refuge
  176. God is greater than the obstacle at hand
  177. Whose hands have control of your steering wheel?
  178. Unexpected Journey
  179. Stay in God’s Presence
  180. Freedom is mine, and I claim it now!
  181. Set your affections on the things of Heaven
  182. Are you a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime.
  183. Prewired to Be Imitators
  184. What it really means to surrender your life
  185. Receive the Goodness of God
  186. The life of God infuses my body
  187. I live in harmony with God’s will, and my life is restored
  188. Genuine Concern
  189. None Of These Things Move Me
  190. Place Your Faith In God
  191. Dark Valleys
  192. Remain Steadfast
  193. God's Arms, My Trust
  194. Faith Says Thank You
  195. The Freedom of Confession
  196. I trust in the power of God within me
  197. Where are you putting your time?
  198. That Name
  199. Going Around Your Obstacle
  200. God’s grace and redemptive power is able to lift you, is able to save you
  201. What must I do to earn the love of God?
  202. Do Not Worry
  203. Daily Sobriety
  204. He Holds the Keys
  205. You will not have to fight this battle
  206. Speak To Your Mountain
  207. Stand!
  208. Give Thanks
  209. Always Thank Him for Victory
  210. Filled with Spirit’s wisdom, I know when to let go peacefully
  211. Watch What You Say
  212. See that no one pays back evil for evil
  213. Thanksgiving Thorns Bouquet
  214. Thanks Be to God
  215. You Can Live in an Atmosphere of Peace
  216. I embody peace
  217. He will wipe every tear from your eyes
  218. Holding Your Hand
  219. Submit Yourself To God
  220. Armed and Ready
  221. The Place of Blessing
  222. Don’t Stay Angry
  223. I open to spiritual understanding
  224. Real Love
  225. Are you making a difference?\
  226. Are you making a difference?
  227. Blessed are you when people insult you
  228. Remember the wonders
  229. Start the day with a fresh infilling of His love
  230. When To Rejoice
  231. Constant Gratitude
  232. Listen for God’s Voice
  233. The light of God shines bright in me
  234. I am grateful. I am blessed.
  235. Today is a day of remembering our blessings and giving thanks
  236. Happy Thanksgiving!
  237. Bless The LORD
  238. Give Thanks
  239. Blessed
  240. Hope for the Heart
  241. Trust in God and Trust in Me
  242. Make Prayer A Habit
  243. Don't Get Rattled
  244. Daily Reprieve - December
  245. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - December
  246. Know Him as Father
  247. Forgive
  248. Have you felt a need lately for God's forgiveness?
  249. Let me then abound in love, grace and truth
  250. God's Today