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  1. Brighter Days Ahead
  2. Our hope in the Lord is the anchor for our souls
  3. You did not wake up today to be mediocre
  4. Love Can Change People
  5. Alive Magazine May 2016
  6. Keep Trusting
  7. Be Devoted
  8. Talk To God
  9. We can ask for help
  10. Finding Strength
  11. Fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen
  12. God has a good plan for you
  13. Guidance
  14. His Plans are Greater
  15. God's Word
  16. Disappointed? Get Reappointed
  17. Overcoming Disappointments
  18. Let Go, Let God
  19. Spending Time
  20. God can turn any situation around
  21. Setup for a Comeback
  22. Never Alone
  23. Keeping God in full view
  24. The Lord will be with you
  25. It’s Your Time
  26. Show us the right path, O Lord
  27. New Seasons of Increase
  28. Don’t Allow Yourself to Settle
  29. God provides what we need
  30. God is good
  31. The Lord has chosen YOU for Himself
  32. The Great Reward
  33. Divinely Protected
  34. God is the Holy, unchanging One
  35. Stop Trying and Start Trusting
  36. Be an Imitator of God
  37. God knows everything
  38. A Divine Helper
  39. How God Works
  40. Open Your Mouth
  41. God is love
  42. Just The Right Time
  43. Rekindling the Flame of Ministry
  44. Greater Love
  45. The still small voice of God
  46. Turning to God
  47. Your Story Ends in Victory
  48. Seek the Lord your God
  49. The Log in My Eye
  50. Bible Verses - June
  51. God-Ordained Moments
  52. The Lord knows and understands all
  53. Resist Fear
  54. The love and the mercy of our loving Father reaches out to us
  55. The Lord has a plan and a purpose for your life
  56. Run Your Own Race
  57. The Lord wants to personally accompany us
  58. Victory Over Failure
  59. True Satisfaction
  60. He Holds Your Destiny
  61. Your Heavenly Father cares for you
  62. Who's Number One?
  63. Teach me to do your will
  64. When you pray. . .
  65. Guidance
  66. Quiet! Be still!
  67. The Fruit of Our Words
  68. If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat
  69. New Every Morning
  70. The Lord can overrule and overturn anything
  71. Arise, Shine
  72. Let Go, Let God
  73. We have a steadfast God
  74. One Blessing after Another
  75. Remember the Lord your God
  76. Daily Victories
  77. The steadfast love of God
  78. Your Future Is in the Lord
  79. The Lord Will Provide
  80. Renew Your Mind Daily
  81. God’s steadfast love knows no end
  82. I respect all beings as unique expressions of God
  83. Victory In Contentment
  84. Panic
  85. God’s steadfast love is faithful
  86. Let Your Love Grow
  87. The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need
  88. Our help comes from the Lord
  89. Blessed Wherever You Go
  90. All Ears
  91. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifespan?
  92. New Times and Seasons
  93. From the Pit to the Palace
  94. He is Mighty to Save!
  95. Victory Over Worry
  96. Not Resentful
  97. Crowned with Goodness
  98. Life is a treasured gift
  99. Why pray when you can worry
  100. My Father's Hands
  101. Stand firm in the Lord
  102. Keep Your Peace
  103. God's faithfulness is guaranteed
  104. By His Grace
  105. God's Unfailing Love
  106. Healing Words
  107. Pursuing His Kingdom
  108. Alive Magazine June 2016
  109. No Excuses
  110. Friend of God
  111. When we follow the Lord and His ways, it leads to life
  112. Worry and fear
  113. A Perfect Friend
  114. Glorified in You
  115. He Will Never Leave Us
  116. Victory Over Temptation
  117. Seeking the Kingdom of God
  118. Follow God’s Leading
  119. The Law of the Spirit
  120. Change Your Name
  121. Inner Peace
  122. Never Give Up
  123. The Lord will bless you
  124. Find Freedom In Forgiveness
  125. Because Of Our Faith
  126. Thinking God’s Thoughts
  127. The Lord wants to give you strength and bless you with peace
  128. Seek comfort in God
  129. God can do the impossible
  130. You can run to God and be safe
  131. Answer the Call
  132. God steps in to save us
  133. God’s Righteous Friend
  134. God bless all creatures large and small
  135. Bible Verses - July
  136. The Lord can change any situation
  137. Take Off the Limits
  138. Joy in the journey
  139. It’s No Surprise to God
  140. Stepping-Stones
  141. The Future Begins Today
  142. The Apple of His Eye
  143. His Peace, My Responsibility
  144. I am an expression of God’s love
  145. The Lord is with you
  146. Celebrate Your Freedom
  147. The God on the mountain is still God in the valley
  148. Free in God’s loving arms
  149. Overcoming a besieged mentality
  150. The Lord will be with you
  151. Focus Forward
  152. Divine Order
  153. Moving Ahead
  154. Beyond Your Expectations
  155. Reflect Him
  156. The Lord is thinking about you and me
  157. Clean Up
  158. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me
  159. How We Work
  160. When we wake up, the Lord are still with us
  161. Pray for Others
  162. On and Off the Job
  163. New Garments
  164. Stir Up Your Dreams
  165. The Lord Never Changes
  166. The Heart of an Eagle
  167. Find Rest and Renewal
  168. Giving Birth to Your Dreams
  169. The Spirit of Adoption
  170. The Bible Gives You Instructions For Victory
  171. Choose Your Friends Wisely
  172. Offer a Sacrifice of Praise
  173. Faith in the love of God
  174. Rest is a very important aspect of our lives
  175. Blessing Your Future
  176. Actions, Words and Thoughts
  177. Set Yourself in the Direction of Peace
  178. God is our greatest help
  179. Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary deeds
  180. Defeating Discouragement
  181. Teach us to number our days
  182. Where are you, God?
  183. Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place?
  184. God-given Dreams
  185. Reflecting on God’s Faithfulness
  186. Forgive
  187. What we place our trust in
  188. You can expect the Lord to answer you
  189. God’s Continuing Faithfulness
  190. Success
  191. Do not worry about tomorrow
  192. When trouble comes
  193. The Lord delights in you
  194. Grace & Peace
  195. The better way
  196. One with God
  197. Another Helper
  198. Quiet your soul
  199. Right Now He’s Working on Your Behalf
  200. Alive Magazine July 2016
  201. How can we place our trust in God?
  202. Go With the Flow
  203. God's Word Is Like A Seed
  204. Primary Concern
  205. Wait for the Lord
  206. Grace Abounds
  207. The Lord has prepared a path for your footsteps
  208. How can we place our trust in God?
  209. Follow His lead
  210. The Lord can deal with anything
  211. The role of fear
  212. Quick to Forgive
  213. Let Go, Let God
  214. Strengths
  215. We have a God in Whom we can trust
  216. The Lord the One who comes to help us
  217. Abundant Life Today
  218. My help comes from the Lord
  219. Just Imagine
  220. The Lord Is Our Deliverer
  221. Give It Up!
  222. Safe and Secure with God
  223. As Your Soul Prospers
  224. You are valuable and precious to the Lord
  225. Press Toward the Promise
  226. The danger of looking back
  227. Pray About Everything
  228. Written on Your Heart
  229. The Lord cares for you
  230. Unchained
  231. When Weeds Spring Up
  232. Living a God-pleasing life
  233. Christ is Your Strength
  234. Create in me a pure heart
  235. Think on These Things
  236. The Lord will NEVER abandon us
  237. God’s presence should go ahead of us
  238. Inner Peace
  239. Prayer is our vital connection with our Heavenly Father
  240. Promote Faith
  241. Pleasing God when we live in the Spirit
  242. Make Time with God a Priority
  243. Find rest, O my soul, in God alone
  244. Here am I. Send me!
  245. Job Security
  246. Don’t Be Surprised
  247. The Gift of Repentance
  248. He Satisfies
  249. Awaiting New Growth
  250. Open Bible, Open Heart, Open Ears