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  1. In the midst of all that is happening, God remains faithful and present
  2. Blessings Abound: Blessings From Around
  3. He Meets Your Needs
  4. Divine energy soothes my spirit and I am at peace
  5. The Waiting God
  6. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock
  7. Strong on Your Behalf
  8. I will listen to what God the Lord says; He promises peace to His people
  9. The Power of Peace
  10. Each day is another opportunity to speak to God
  11. Forget what lies behind and press on to what lies ahead
  12. A Mark of Honor
  13. What to Do When Trouble Comes
  14. God's creation
  15. Our great, wonderful and everlasting God
  16. Breaking Free
  17. Focus On Truth
  18. Going with His Flow
  19. Why We Should Respond with Grace
  20. Forgive
  21. Run to Him
  22. Magnify God
  23. Live in fellowship with God
  24. Greater Than You Imagined
  25. Don’t Delay!
  26. Brighter Days Ahead
  27. Blessings Abound: Blessings From Abundance
  28. God’s guidance is always available
  29. He turned the desert into pools of water
  30. Looking for Yes
  31. The Lord is trustworthy and faithful
  32. Praise the Lord, everything He has created, everything in all His kingdom
  33. Handpicked by God
  34. Move Towards His Goodness
  35. God’s Answer for Your Fear
  36. Confidently Believe
  37. Spiritual Warfare
  38. God is the the bread of life
  39. Goodness Is God-ness
  40. God is awesome and mighty
  41. Thankful For The Thorns
  42. A Change In Our Feelings
  43. God's people are blessed to be a blessing
  44. Wait With Patience
  45. Even when we fail God, He continues to love us
  46. Jesus will always be there when you need Him
  47. Enjoy the benefits of “thanksgiving” all year long
  48. Honor the Lord with Your Body
  49. 25 Days Of Christmas
  50. Give Thanks!
  51. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
  52. Thankful
  53. Changing the World Around You
  54. Happy Thanksgiving!
  55. LORD, You alone are my portion and my cup
  56. Set Your Hope On God
  57. The Riches of the Grace of God
  58. Peace emanates from the inside out
  59. Becoming God’s Mouthpiece
  60. God's Promises
  61. Attitude Of Gratitude
  62. Reign in Life
  63. Just Enough Time to Do God’s Will
  64. The light of God
  65. Don’t Forget God
  66. Father to the Fatherless
  67. A Heavenly Strategic Planning Session
  68. Quieting Your Soul
  69. On Track
  70. Meditate on Him
  71. The Unlikely Candidate
  72. Letting go of what no longer serves
  73. Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name
  74. The Lord has an abundance of good things stored up for you
  75. Thankful for the Kingdom
  76. Bible Verses - December
  77. Praise: An Expression of Love
  78. Let emotions subside and then decide
  79. Encouragement
  80. Life is full of change
  81. God's Love and Mercy are always available
  82. An Exceptional Future
  83. I am patient and confident, for I know God is at work in my life
  84. Please Don’t Make Me Wait!
  85. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you
  86. Seek Love
  87. Free Fall
  88. Every Person Is Worthy of Respect
  89. Jesus, Our Great High Priest
  90. Let Go, Let God
  91. Choose to Be Changed
  92. With God on Your Side
  93. Open up the doors of our lives and let God in
  94. He Makes All Things New
  95. A Calm Delight
  96. Encourage with Teaching
  97. Step Out of the Boat
  98. With God, all things are possible
  99. Encourage with Good Words
  100. Feelings are emotions; they are not reality
  101. Jesus's Second Greatest Commandment...
  102. Foot Prints in the Sand
  103. God Loves You
  104. Now Faith
  105. The peace of God lives in me
  106. Ready for Battle
  107. Magnify the Lord
  108. The Struggle With Jealousy
  109. Determined People Succeed
  110. I place my faith in the healing power of God within
  111. Do not envy or argue
  112. Seek Out Others To Encourage
  113. The Lord will meet your needs
  114. The spirit of God is unconditional love
  115. Honor God’s Voice Above All
  116. Encourage Ourselves
  117. Delight in One Another
  118. He Gives Strength
  119. Jesus Is The Greatest Gift Of All
  120. Smile!
  121. Always Near
  122. Do not worry about anything
  123. Faith and Righteousness
  124. God gave His one and only Son because of His great love for us
  125. He Is Your Strength
  126. To Defeat Your Enemy, You Must Know Him
  127. What Do You Say?
  128. Give Yourself a Break
  129. Jesus is all we need
  130. The Christ light illumines my way
  131. Set Your Mind Ahead of Time
  132. Look Up!
  133. Encouragement Is A Blessing
  134. A Glimpse of Heaven
  135. Journey of the Magi
  136. You Can Depend on God
  137. God's Way Is Perfect
  138. I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand
  139. Take Off the Limits
  140. Follow Jesus
  141. So What Are We Going To Do About It?
  142. Hark! A Thrilling New Voice
  143. Never doubt God's love for you
  144. Refuse to Worry
  145. Count Your Blessings
  146. New Garments
  147. Reassurance in the words of Jesus
  148. Encourage Believers
  149. The Power of Peace
  150. Make Room For the New
  151. I have faith in God as my guide
  152. The Peace That Comes with Being Content
  153. Ask Jesus In
  154. Help me turn my worries into prayers
  155. Handpicked by God
  156. Words by a Swimming Pool
  157. Faith Under Fire
  158. Imitators of God
  159. A Tiny Seed, A Tiny Deed
  160. We are illuminated by the love of God
  161. Intimacy With God
  162. More Spiritual Thoughts 2
  163. Greater Than You Imagined
  164. Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name
  165. Peace, Be Still
  166. Be Kind to Those Who Aren’t Kind to You
  167. I bow down on bended knee
  168. What’s Chasing You?
  169. I joyfully give and I joyfully receive
  170. Walking With Greater Confidence
  171. Why Do We Complain?
  172. Gladness and joy will overtake you
  173. Whoever
  174. God Will Know
  175. I honor and celebrate the Christ within—every moment of my life
  176. Wise Men Rejoice
  177. The Best Christmas
  178. Rest and Renew
  179. You are never alone, God is always with you
  180. Christmas time is near
  181. Unwrapping the Gift
  182. Choose the Right Gifts
  183. I am a child of God enfolded in God’s love
  184. Christ can bring peace to any situation
  185. The Ultimate Gift
  186. Because We Are Saved
  187. Nothing Can Separate Us
  188. How Can You Know God Loves You?
  189. The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are
  190. Jesus’ Prayer for You
  191. His Grace is Enough
  192. Born Anew
  193. Let the Spirit Control Your Mind
  194. Start Afresh Every Day
  195. Nothing Wasted
  196. Change the Way You Look at You
  197. I am grateful for the blessings in my life
  198. Persevering Through Silence
  199. Seeing Ourselves and Others
  200. Release Your Cares and Rest
  201. Peace within me; peace around me
  202. Celebrate the Positive
  203. God will strengthen us and encourage us
  204. Avoid Strife
  205. In His Company
  206. Hang in There
  207. As the year comes to a close, take time for reflection
  208. Last Day of the Year!
  209. Spinach Problems
  210. Christ Makes Everything New
  211. New Year, New Path
  212. The First Step to a Miracle
  213. A Spiritual Mind
  214. Seek God's Help
  215. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do
  216. January 2016 Verse Of The Month Calendar
  217. Scripture Memory - 2016
  218. Bible Verses - January
  219. God Wants Whatever You’ve Got
  220. Start Your Day Right
  221. What kind of life will I paint this year?
  222. God will supply every need
  223. Overflowing with Passion for Life
  224. Want to Know Your Purpose?
  225. Pave the Way for Victory
  226. Lord’s Prayer
  227. Every Day is a Gift
  228. You Can Be Saved, No Matter What You’ve Done
  229. The Eyes Have It
  230. What if They Don’t Believe?
  231. Faith
  232. Possess Your Soul
  233. What is Prayer?
  234. A Request Jesus Loves
  235. Gifts of Spirit
  236. Do not worry about your life
  237. Keep Pressing Through
  238. God and I are One
  239. Be Friendly
  240. God’s Job Description
  241. Receive the Overflow
  242. Exceedingly Abundantly
  243. Eyes on the Father
  244. Jesus Touched the Untouchables
  245. My Salvation is About Him
  246. My Body is About Him
  247. Jesus Heals a Blind Man
  248. Lazarus
  249. He Did It Just For You
  250. From God's Perspective