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  1. What is faith?
  2. Be Slow To Speak
  3. When Tempted, Realize Your Vulnerability
  4. Peace on earth and goodwill to all men
  5. Your shelter in the time of storm
  6. In-Your-Face Productions
  7. But God!
  8. I dance to the rhythm of my heart
  9. Love Isn't Touchy
  10. Perfect Your Capacity for Friendship
  11. Abound in the virtue of love
  12. Answer the Door
  13. Get in Balance
  14. The grace of God magnifies every good effort
  15. Psalm 100
  16. Throw Problems Away
  17. Something Better in Store
  18. Morning Medicine
  19. Does God really honor His covenant with you?
  20. Pray About Everything
  21. Let Go, Let God
  22. God’s Will
  23. Cool Off Anger
  24. A Reason Isn’t a Right
  25. How do you deal with an attack from the enemy?
  26. I am protected by a consciousness of Truth
  27. Casting Our Burdens at His Feet
  28. Forgetting What Is Behind
  29. Special readings
  30. Accepting God’s Provisions
  31. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
  32. Walk Through
  33. God is my unfailing source
  34. Time For A Change
  35. Get Free
  36. Holding On
  37. True Freedom in Christ
  38. True: God’s Love Fills Me
  39. Let God be the source of your comfort
  40. Finding Rest in a Restless World
  41. A Difficult Place
  42. The Source of Life Under God
  43. The Way of the Righteous
  44. Don't be Discouraged
  45. Surrendering to Spirit, I experience deep peace and well-being
  46. What He opens no one can shut
  47. Speak Hopefully for 24 Hours
  48. Be Still: Savor the Present Moment
  49. The Eyes of the LORD
  50. Never stop seeking after God
  51. Character Building
  52. The Promises of Peace
  53. Today is my turning point, and now is my moment
  54. Recognize Your Enemy
  55. Psalm 91
  56. Be a Doer of the Word
  57. Nothing Is Too Good To Be True
  58. Anger and the Truth
  59. Get Back in the Game
  60. Trust His Training
  61. I let my light shine!
  62. Confidence In Troubled Times
  63. React or Respond?
  64. After This
  65. Visit the Still Waters
  66. Divine order is at work in my life
  67. A Friend In Need
  68. Fear not, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom
  69. In God’s Care
  70. Fix Your Mind
  71. Repairing the Damage
  72. Attuned to divine wisdom, I know what is mine to do
  73. Get Out Of Your Cave
  74. Fill Your Mind Overflowing with Faith
  75. Cease the Blaming Game and Live
  76. Get the Capstone
  77. Acting from my divine nature, I forgive mistakes
  78. Practice Affirming God's Presence
  79. Passing the Buck
  80. Eyes Forward
  81. Don't Lose Sight of the Goal
  82. Vision for Increase
  83. I am healed and renewed
  84. Replenish Yourself
  85. Read and Mentally Absorb the Bible
  86. Take It to the Lord in Prayer
  87. Right Companions
  88. Centered in God, I live a full life
  89. Who Am I?
  90. Be Quick To Listen
  91. Plant Purposefully
  92. Suggest Confidence Concepts to Your Mind
  93. Direct Me
  94. It Will Come Back to You
  95. God’s Requirements
  96. I am always learning
  97. Color Courage
  98. Don't Give Up!
  99. Psalm 19
  100. Happy is the man who has found God
  101. Ask Me Now
  102. Depend On God
  103. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - October
  104. Daily Reprieve - October
  105. Feelings
  106. Dream Boldly
  107. We Don’t Like to Wait
  108. The key to freedom is to put God first
  109. The Lord, He is God
  110. God wants you to know. . . - October
  111. Daily Reflection - October
  112. Encouraging Word - October
  113. Bible Verse Of The Day - October
  114. Take Hold of Your Dream
  115. Time Well Spent
  116. Keep on Keeping on
  117. Expect the Best
  118. We Can Always Count On God's Love
  119. The LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal
  120. Embarrassment and Awe
  121. Open the door of your heart to God
  122. Act on Your Dream Today
  123. Waiting Doesn’t Come Easy
  124. Inner Peace
  125. Obedience Brings Success
  126. Minimize All Obstacles
  127. God’s Workmanship
  128. Enough for today
  129. The gift hidden in your life
  130. How Can I Come Back to God After Backsliding?
  131. Let Your Dreams Take Root
  132. Always There
  133. The Christ Light in me shines with joy
  134. Jesus is our standard
  135. Be Transformed!
  136. Dream Without Limits
  137. Animal Friends
  138. Your place of refuge from the storms of life
  139. God-Given Dreams
  140. Life Is Not Over
  141. Take Hold of Your Dream
  142. Service
  143. I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content
  144. Change my heart, O God
  145. Four Levels of Gratitude
  146. God’s Provision for Your Failure
  147. Unshakable Confidence
  148. I am lifted up by the power of God within.
  149. Who am I?
  150. Hide Me, O My Savior
  151. The Gift Of Healing
  152. Growing in the Waiting
  153. We Are Not Alone
  154. Receive His Forgiveness
  155. Through the eyes of faith, I perceive God’s good
  156. God Provides, But How?
  157. I have called you by name; you are mine
  158. Knowing His Voice
  159. Take the lid off
  160. Slow Down, Quiet Down. Do Not Fume. Do Not Fret.
  161. T-R-U-S-T
  162. God’s Sufficient Grace
  163. Take Time
  164. Finding Rest
  165. God Has the Final Say
  166. Mending The Rip
  167. Patience
  168. Press Toward the Promise
  169. See the Whole Picture
  170. Staying Rock Solid
  171. Signs of Success
  172. I accept the comfort and strength of God
  173. Does the Lord answer your prayers?
  174. More Than Performance
  175. Reasons
  176. Bending
  177. Embracing the New Meditation
  178. New Version Of Footprints
  179. If Only I Had Known
  180. What triggers your light?
  181. Rest for the Weary
  182. Defiant Joy
  183. Pray for Others
  184. Gorgeous Inside
  185. God Feeds The Birds
  186. Do You Like Me, Lord?
  187. Dream Day
  188. Humility
  189. I trust Spirit to guide me one step at a time
  190. Keep Thanking God
  191. God Is At Work
  192. Showers of Blessings
  193. He Delights in Your Prosperity
  194. Enemies
  195. Faith and Favor
  196. I am life. I am a precious gift, and I am worthy
  197. Shine Like Stars
  198. You Have A Purpose
  199. You Get What You Expect
  200. Change and Relapse
  201. The Blessing of God’s Spiritual Influence
  202. Barometer For Spiritual Growth
  203. Growing In Grace
  204. Choose Blessings for Your Future
  205. Your most powerful weapon against the enemy’s attacks
  206. Passion for Life
  207. I allow only divine ideas to govern my thinking.
  208. Praise the Lord!
  209. Say What He Says
  210. The Importance of You
  211. Stay the Course
  212. I carry joy in my heart
  213. Dreams Of Childhood
  214. Codependency
  215. Confidence
  216. Watch Your Words
  217. Being Patient With Yourself
  218. Let Go, Let God
  219. You Get What You Expect
  220. Renewing My Mind
  221. The Fullness of the Blessing
  222. Forgotten Blessings
  223. A Step of Faith
  224. He is Preparing a Place
  225. Let Go, Let God
  226. Are you spending each day utilizing your God given talents?
  227. Imitate God's Goodness
  228. Remember God
  229. A Gift from God
  230. Into Your Hands, O Lord
  231. Make Time to Pray
  232. Divine Order
  233. How Long?
  234. What is it we are asking Him this morning?
  235. Sing A New Song
  236. Don't Let Feelings Rule
  237. Higher Thoughts
  238. Admitting Our Faults
  239. Ride of Faith
  240. A Confident Heart
  241. God’s healing power is at work in me now
  242. Have we ever forgotten the Lord?
  243. Be a blessing to those people around you
  244. Lack No Good Thing
  245. Seeing More Clearly
  246. Feed Your Faith Daily
  247. Don't sin by letting anger control you
  248. Be Slow To Speak
  249. Forgiveness Wins
  250. Never Too Late to Change