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  1. Dream On
  2. Spirit guides my every step
  3. God Can Be Trusted
  4. The strong right arm of the LORD is raised in triumph
  5. Live with Expectancy
  6. Don’t give up on God
  7. The Power of Prayer
  8. Relax and go with His flow
  9. Don’t Count Sheep
  10. Something New from Something Old
  11. He Knows Everything
  12. In this moment, I am enough and I have enough to be happy
  13. Are We Preoccupied?
  14. Newly Created
  15. Are you having a bad day?
  16. Give God Everything
  17. A Special Date
  18. Inner Peace
  19. Do you feel like you are walking in the wilderness?
  20. Life without Limits
  21. I am appreciative, kind, and generous with others
  22. Live to Give
  23. A New Competence
  24. The Temptation to Quit
  25. Self-Care
  26. One Thing Is Necessary
  27. Talents and Skills
  28. You Are Never Alone
  29. Nothing is Beyond Your Reach
  30. Don't Miss The Small Blessings
  31. Rocks and Hard Places
  32. Faith is Trusting God
  33. A Reminder of Who is in Charge
  34. Ups and Downs
  35. Gracious Words
  36. His Powerful Word
  37. How Do They Do It?
  38. The Landmine of Covetousness
  39. Stand Strong Against the Adversary
  40. Unceasing Prayer
  41. Prosperity
  42. What is God's will for us?
  43. The Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Part 11
  44. Pursuing the Dream
  45. Our lives are works in progress.
  46. Promises
  47. Right Thinking
  48. Joyful in Every Circumstance
  49. I have faith in God to direct my way
  50. The Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Part 12
  51. Knowing Who We Are
  52. Faith vs. Feelings
  53. Forget the Former Things
  54. Today I will . . . - February
  55. God’s Solution
  56. I forgive and begin anew
  57. God’s Servant
  58. Being meek (or humble) does not make one weak
  59. Ground Hog Day
  60. God-Given Ability
  61. I am renewed in the light of God
  62. Comforted by divine love and grace, I extend comfort to others
  63. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened
  64. Do not let your challenges draw you away from God
  65. New Starts at Burned Out Faith
  66. Share Your Life
  67. Fear Factor
  68. The Golden Rule
  69. Spiritual Shortsightedness
  70. The Price is Paid
  71. What is Worship?
  72. Present Moment
  73. Do you have a personal ministry?
  74. The Best Security Blanket
  75. A Time to Remember
  76. More spiritual thoughts
  77. You Are Unique
  78. Turn Your Security System On!
  79. Faith Proved Genuine
  80. Seeing What Is Unseen
  81. Transforming Your Mind
  82. Acceptance
  83. Pleasant Words, Healing Words
  84. Worship the LORD with gladness
  85. Silent Gratitude
  86. Contagious, Audacious Love
  87. A New Level of Commitment
  88. Thought Prevention
  89. Divine guidance is always with me
  90. Do Not Be Afraid
  91. Like a Wall
  92. Drifting Away
  93. Are You Not Worth Much More Than They?
  94. Centered in Spirit, I live from peace
  95. How are you faithfully trusting in God?
  96. God’s Peace for your Problems Today.
  97. Take Refuge In God
  98. Christ's Notes for February
  99. God’s Deep Secrets
  100. Willing to Forgive
  101. Family
  102. Renew Our Minds
  103. The Courage to Hear
  104. He Is With You
  105. Friendship
  106. Don't Grow Weary
  107. Let His Love Show
  108. Christ's Notes for Feburary
  109. Be Compassionate
  110. Deafening Times
  111. Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs
  112. Give
  113. God’s Masterpiece
  114. You Don't Face Life All Alone
  115. Share Your Love
  116. Don't Hold Yourself Back
  117. Joy
  118. Experience Satisfaction
  119. Journeys
  120. You Have A Purpose
  121. Quiet Time To Focus
  122. Bible Verses for 2015
  123. Blessings in Disguise
  124. Equipped to Meet the Needs of Others
  125. Keep Going
  126. A Shoulder to Lean On
  127. Blessing
  128. Inner Peace
  129. Turning and Returning
  130. I Will Never Forget You
  131. Abundant Life Today
  132. I let go and let my God Self shine
  133. Put Our Hope In God
  134. More Like the Master
  135. Jump Over that Wall
  136. Hope in God
  137. Don't Be Swallowed By Life
  138. In the Worst of Times
  139. Responding to Our Trials
  140. Our Words are Seeds
  141. Be Slow To Speak
  142. Let Go and Let God
  143. Who Are You?
  144. Prepositions
  145. Quiet Rest
  146. Free from Condemnation
  147. A Solitary Place
  148. Hearing Him
  149. Under His Protection
  150. Do Not Be Anxious
  151. Tests and Trials
  152. Give us today our daily bread
  153. When Things Are Going Right
  154. Quiet
  155. Blessed
  156. Excel in Grace
  157. Today I will . . . - March
  158. Closer Than You Think
  159. True Patience
  160. Christ Notes for March 2015
  161. Trust the Father
  162. Keep the Joy
  163. The Call of God
  164. Be A Minister
  165. Follow Only Him
  166. Are the "-ites" After You?
  167. Accept God's Acceptance
  168. A Brand New Thing
  169. Follow Only Him
  170. The Process of Forgiveness
  171. Believe and Receive
  172. Right On Time
  173. Be Refreshed
  174. In Weakness
  175. Losing the Battle, Winning the War
  176. Let Go, Let God
  177. Worry or Worship?
  178. Rest in Quietness and Trust
  179. One with God, I gain insight and understanding
  180. Possibilities with Patience
  181. Hold on to Hope
  182. You Will Not Stumble
  183. Find Quiet Time
  184. How Long the Sorrow
  185. Refuse to Be Confused
  186. Comfort
  187. Be Patient In Trouble
  188. Do you have an important decision to make?
  189. God is on the ready
  190. Through Times of Trial
  191. Why Read The Bible?
  192. Throughout my day, I discover the presence of God
  193. Your Secret Petitions
  194. Focusing on God
  195. Lighting Our Path
  196. He Will Have Mercy
  197. Popular Verses
  198. Renewed
  199. Praise No Matter What
  200. Have you encountered a snag in your life?
  201. Your Thoughts Will Lead You
  202. As I enter the Silence, I experience peace
  203. Controlling Tempers
  204. Don't Get Impatient
  205. See God’s Faithfulness
  206. Focus on God’s Promises
  207. My mind is nurtured by divine ideas
  208. Even when we fall short, God remains faithful
  209. Jesus Intercedes for Us
  210. Don't People Please
  211. Healing love flows in and through me
  212. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent
  213. Living in God’s Power
  214. You Can Do It!
  215. Who Is The Center Of Your World?
  216. Teach Me
  217. Good, Godly Leadership
  218. I become the peace I wish to see in the world.
  219. Victory Through Him
  220. Stones of Remembrance
  221. Why This Negativity?
  222. As life springs forth in the natural world, my inner world blossoms
  223. Grateful and Aware of God’s Love
  224. Building Bridges, Not Walls
  225. If You Can’t Say Something Nice . . .
  226. I am an overcomer!
  227. Keeping Busy With Our Eyes On The Goal
  228. Let Hope Push Out the Hurt
  229. Don’t Be Afraid to be Different
  230. Eternal and total security
  231. Stay Balanced
  232. When To Rejoice
  233. Patience
  234. Inner Beauty
  235. One Thing is Needed
  236. Lost and Found
  237. Higher Things
  238. The LORD is my rock
  239. You are free to love others because of God's limitless love
  240. He is Strong in You
  241. Move from indifference to true love for others
  242. Let Nothing Come Between
  243. Read and Reap
  244. In Training
  245. Pleasant Words
  246. Transformation
  247. Joy
  248. Kindness is Contagious
  249. Open and Receptive
  250. Words That Help