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  1. God Isn't Finished
  2. Mind-Binding Spirits
  3. Another Hero Of Christmas
  4. Be Christ’s Bond Servant
  5. Breaking Free From the Comparison Trap
  6. Beauty for Ashes
  7. Follow Jesus
  8. Nothing Wasted
  9. Setup for a Comeback
  10. Don’t Get Burned Out
  11. A New Route
  12. Aim to Please Christ
  13. Children of the Light
  14. Love
  15. Treasuring Time
  16. For God So Loved
  17. The Good Land
  18. Turn Away Wrath
  19. I see beauty everywhere I look
  20. Jesus Revealed God To Us
  21. Don't know how to pray or unsure of what to say?
  22. Other Gods
  23. Where is your God?
  24. When Christmas Feels Chaotic
  25. Spirit is my compass on each step of my journey
  26. Reboot and Recover
  27. An Undivided Heart
  28. Be Led By The Spirit
  29. It's time to forgive
  30. Change, Don't Complain
  31. Basketball Blues
  32. Come Apart To Stay Together
  33. Stop, pause, and review your “To Do List”.
  34. Rest Awhile
  35. Be still and experience His presence every day
  36. He is Not Limited by Your Limitations
  37. Start your morning at the feet of Jesus
  38. One Light illumines all the Universe
  39. Serving God
  40. God Loves You
  41. God With Us
  42. Prospering in Everything
  43. Store Up God's Word
  44. What does it mean to be totally alive?
  45. Hold Your Peace
  46. Let Go, Let God
  47. Do you feel like you've been set free?
  48. Bright and Morning Star
  49. Come Apart to Stay Together
  50. He Collects Your Tears
  51. He Restores Your Soul
  52. I express pure joy from the inside out
  53. The Christmas Tree
  54. Take A Break
  55. The Candle of Peace
  56. Loneliness During the Holidays
  57. Every Good and Perfect Gift
  58. The Devil’s Seeds of Doubt
  59. Hang on!
  60. The Wonderful Counselor
  61. Rejoice I welcome each day with zeal and enthusiasm
  62. Test Yourselves
  63. A Wonderful Gift
  64. Unto Us
  65. Give Him the Gift of Worship
  66. Rest and Renew
  67. Reenergize Yourself
  68. Agony, Anguish and Courage
  69. Candy Cane
  70. Recognize What You Have
  71. Celebrate Jesus
  72. The Greatest Gift of Love
  73. I share the gift of God’s love, and I am blessed
  74. Root It Out
  75. Enjoy Yourself
  76. Love God With All Your Heart
  77. Beware Of All Forms Of Pride
  78. God with Us
  79. In the quiet, I feel the loving presence of God.
  80. Deliverer
  81. The Lord is with You
  82. When Christ looks at you, He sees you for who you can be
  83. The glorious truth of Christmas
  84. God Sent a Savior
  85. With the Angels
  86. The Greatest Gift
  87. Come and Behold Him
  88. I open gifts of peace, joy, hope, and love
  89. Good Tidings Of Great Joy
  90. Wishing you a truly Merry Christmas!
  91. The Prince of Peace
  92. Equipped for Hard Things
  93. Do Not Be Afraid
  94. Get Rid Of Distractions
  95. Out With the Old, In With the New
  96. Be Holy
  97. No Condemnation in Christ
  98. He Makes All Things New
  99. He Leads You by Peace
  100. ne needs something to believe in, something for which one can have wholehearted enthu
  101. The Bible Says to "Shake It Off"
  102. A Continual Source of Peace
  103. Let Him Order Your Steps
  104. I find God in me, and I am comforted
  105. Jesus Chose You
  106. He Is Strong
  107. Fear not, little flock
  108. We Are God's Treasure
  109. Ministry Is Fulfilling Work
  110. One Day At A Time
  111. Somebody's Listening
  112. Flourish in the New Year
  113. Have you stopped daring to hope?
  114. 10 Resolutions For 2015
  115. Begin with the Lord
  116. Riding out the Storm
  117. Renewed Every Morning
  118. The New Year
  119. New Me
  120. Finding Time
  121. New Isn’t Always Comfortable
  122. You, too, Can Make a Difference
  123. Mind, Mouth, Moods, and Attitudes
  124. The New Has Come
  125. 31 Days Of Thanks
  126. Happy New Year 2015
  127. Standing On The Edge
  128. I am ready to welcome the new!
  129. The Lord bless you and keep you
  130. Everlasting Father
  131. Keeping your eyes forward in the New Year
  132. Today I will . . . - January
  133. What a Way to Start the New Year!
  134. Loving the View
  135. I am ready and willing to start anew!
  136. You Are Forgiven
  137. Have you ever wondered what is God's will in your life?
  138. Give God Your Best Part
  139. New Year
  140. Setbacks To Success
  141. Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me
  142. Face to Face With Our Past
  143. As I let go and trust God, I am calm and secure
  144. Could It Happen To Me?
  145. Spiritual Images and Meditations for January 2015
  146. Let Jesus into your life
  147. When we are filled with the Spirit there is a continual joy
  148. Burnout Symptoms
  149. Taking Out the Garbage
  150. Co-Creators
  151. Look Straight Ahead
  152. Help From His Spirit
  153. Delight Yourself
  154. Let Go of What Didn’t Work Out
  155. Just do it!
  156. Confidence
  157. You Can Count on Him
  158. Check Your "Glasses"
  159. Living the Full Life
  160. Something New for You!
  161. Perhaps the boat you need to get out of is your past
  162. I Am Redeemed!
  163. The New has Come
  164. What Are Your Goals?
  165. The Day of Rest
  166. When God Says “Go”
  167. The Flow of Life
  168. Hope Like an Anchor
  169. Each new year brings unlimited possibilities to write a new story
  170. What Is Required
  171. Love the Job You’re In
  172. What Would Jesus Say on Social Media?
  173. Turning a Corner
  174. Hypocritical Complaints
  175. He waits to hear your heart
  176. God Is Wide Awake
  177. Jesus Will Give You Rest
  178. God IS real
  179. Change the Course of Your Day
  180. Where Did I Go?
  181. The Bell
  182. Rejoice Today
  183. God Does the Impossible
  184. Where Can I Help?
  185. Unexpected Places
  186. Recovering What Has Been Lost
  187. False Evidence Appearing Real
  188. Extraordinary Showers
  189. Don’t Be Just “Good Enough”
  190. Salt and Light
  191. My life is a reflection of my consciousness
  192. God Is An Artist
  193. Boil Water Advisory
  194. Slow Down and Enjoy the Journey
  195. Preparing for our Spiritual Journey
  196. The Penitent Redeemed
  197. People of Hope
  198. Bearing Fruit
  199. Taking the Time for Gratitude
  200. Soar Like an Eagle or Walk Like a Pigeon
  201. I accept my life experiences with love and compassion
  202. Too Late To Change?
  203. The Greater One Is In You
  204. Be Thou My Vision
  205. Set Back for a Purpose
  206. The Spring of Laughter
  207. My joy is in the journey!
  208. Stay The Course
  209. Enjoy Life
  210. Perfect Peace of Mind
  211. God’s Promises
  212. Grace for Being Human
  213. No Matter What
  214. The Time of Life
  215. Don't Give Up
  216. As I stop and truly listen, Spirit speaks beyond words
  217. God Is Working In You
  218. Do not conform to the pattern of this world
  219. Be Yourself
  220. Flaring Up
  221. You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry
  222. Commit To God
  223. BW's Spiritual ponderings on Forgiveness
  224. You Were Born to Win
  225. God's Masterpiece
  226. Let Go!
  227. Go After the Small Drips
  228. God is my comforter. I am filled with peace
  229. Is God answering your prayer today?
  230. Give God Your All
  231. Let Go, Let God
  232. All Day Long Strong
  233. Choose Life — One Day at a Time
  234. Godliness With Contentment
  235. Think Big
  236. A Yoke for Two
  237. Give Personal Time
  238. Unlimited Forgiveness
  239. God’s Blessing
  240. Forgive as the Lord Forgave You
  241. God Has Not Forgotten You
  242. I open my mind and heart to dynamic new ideas
  243. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, & all these things will be given to you
  244. Prayer of Blessing
  245. What are you afraid of today?
  246. Power In Weakness
  247. Getting Over It
  248. Take God's cue for rest
  249. The Rewards of Waiting
  250. Repitition