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  1. Bless Somebody
  2. The LORD will answer
  3. You are valuable and precious to the Lord
  4. Never forget that your heavenly Father loves you
  5. Conversation Heart : Preaching Mouth
  6. The one constant
  7. Your word is a lamp to my feet
  8. Lift up your eyes to the mountains
  9. Conversation Heart : Purposed Mouth
  10. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything
  11. Don't Lose Hope
  12. The LORD is a strong fortress
  13. Conversation Heart : Restrained Lips
  14. What do your choices say about you?
  15. Don’t Worry
  16. Cast Off Anger and Bitterness
  17. Choose This Day
  18. Conversation Heart : Righteous Lips
  19. Showing Through
  20. Living in the here and now
  21. Blessings in Disguise
  22. Each day we should remind ourselves of how great God is
  23. Conversation Heart : Simple Speech
  24. A Shoulder to Lean On
  25. Choosing Forgiveness
  26. Nothing Is Impossible For God
  27. Conversation Heart : Slow Speech
  28. God blesses those who are merciful
  29. Take time to hear from God
  30. Start Your Day Right
  31. A Shoulder to Lean On
  32. Replace Your Worry With Trust in God
  33. Conversation Heart : Soft Speech
  34. Unceasing Prayer
  35. A Vacation with Jesus
  36. The Lord is close to you
  37. Conversation Heart : Spared Words
  38. The Lord is with us
  39. Count Your Blessings
  40. Guard Your Mind
  41. The Lord can turn any situation around
  42. Conversation Heart : Teachable Mouth
  43. On the Way to Your Yes
  44. Before Creation
  45. Live with an attitude of gratitude no matter what your circumstances are
  46. Unconditional Love
  47. Be Slow To Speak
  48. Conversation Heart : Timely Speech
  49. Get Alone With God
  50. Lord, You are my shield and my strength
  51. A Wonderful Opportunity
  52. Conversation Heart : Truthful Words
  53. We can turn to the Lord and pray at any time
  54. Free from Condemnation
  55. Storms
  56. Hearing Him
  57. Lord, may my life be an instrument in Your hands
  58. Weekly Spiritual Meditations - March 7
  59. Conversation Heart : Wise Tongue
  60. Nothing Can Separate You from God's Love
  61. Tests and Trials
  62. Under His Protection
  63. When we are operating in God's strength, we can achieve the impossible
  64. Do you have a lot of worries over circumstances you cannot control?
  65. Conversation Heart : Wondrous Talk
  66. Recall His Deeds
  67. Set your minds on things that are above
  68. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome
  69. Blessed
  70. Quiet
  71. Bible Verses - March
  72. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - March
  73. Proverb A Day – Day 1
  74. God Is Your Source of Joy
  75. Sunrise
  76. Trust in God at all times
  77. Your Heredity Can't Stop Your Destiny
  78. You Are Important!
  79. Proverb A Day – Day 2
  80. God is able to deliver you
  81. Start a Blessing Box
  82. Be A Minister
  83. Proverb A Day – Day 3
  84. For in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock
  85. An Impossible Challenge?
  86. Look beyond Your Limitations
  87. Proverb A Day – Day 4
  88. Jesus Will Not Reject You
  89. Thanks for what we don’t even know awaits us
  90. Be Slow To Speak
  91. Proverb A Day – Day 5
  92. You are greatly beloved by the Lord
  93. The One Thing You Can Do
  94. Right On Time
  95. Your Future isn’t Defined by Your Past
  96. The Best Way to Begin in Prayer
  97. Weekly Spiritual Meditations - March 14
  98. Proverb A Day – Day 6
  99. Do not worry about tomorrow
  100. If you are facing some tests, take heart, the Lord is not finished with you yet
  101. Don't Wait For Tomorrow
  102. Pass the thought test
  103. Losing the Battle, Winning the War
  104. Proverb A Day – Day 7
  105. The Lord knows all your desires and your deepest longings.
  106. Spirit of Love
  107. When Progress Is Slow
  108. Fear Of Abandonment
  109. Proverb A Day – Day 8
  110. Strength to persevere
  111. The LORD is on our side
  112. I'll restore your health and heal your wounds
  113. If God is for us, who can be against us?
  114. Prepare your mind for action
  115. Do Not Worry
  116. Proverb A Day – Day 9
  117. Release
  118. How Long the Sorrow
  119. My Redeemer lives
  120. The Curmudgeon
  121. Proverb A Day – Day 10
  122. Have A Happy Life
  123. Take Your Doubts Captive
  124. The Lord declares and promises that He is with you
  125. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves about how great God is
  126. Proverb A Day – Day 11
  127. The Silent Pen
  128. Why Read The Bible?
  129. Patience
  130. God can rescue you regardless of how hopeless the situation may appear