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  1. Dealing With Discouragement
  2. You Are Special
  3. What can we do to get rid of guilt?
  4. Maintain a Steady Pace
  5. Forgetting the Past
  6. Spiritual Restoration
  7. Focus On Today
  8. Stand Out Rose
  9. Get Up!
  10. NACR Daily Meditation - August
  11. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - August
  13. Encouraging Word August
  14. Today I Will . . . - August
  15. God wants you to know. . . - August
  16. Daily Reflection - August
  17. Bible Verse Of The Day - August
  18. Recall God's Past Care for You
  19. Create In Me A Clean Heart
  20. When Things Don't Go Rite!?!
  21. Is There Anything Too Hard?
  22. Patience - I have all the time I need to do what is mine to do
  23. Change Your Attitude and Change Your World
  24. Anger Driven People
  25. Use your story to encourage others
  26. His Peace
  27. Drink Plenty of Water
  28. Hit the Delete Button
  29. Strength for the Day
  30. Jesus Understands You
  31. God Draws Out the Best in You
  32. God Is Near
  33. A Place To Stand
  34. Reprogram Your Mind
  35. Be an Example
  36. Breaking Free
  37. Take a step of faith
  38. Keep your eyes on Jesus
  39. Be Still and Know That I am God
  40. Never Abandoned
  41. A Solid Foundation
  42. The Prison of Want
  43. Wait on the Lord
  44. If Only
  45. Everyday Miracles
  46. Broken But Beautiful
  47. Is God at the center?
  48. Opening Up
  49. Praise for the Past and Hope for the Future
  50. The Light of His Understanding Glows within Me Today
  51. It’s Never too Late
  52. Difficult People
  53. Have you given God a time slot? Or is he in every area of your life?
  54. Begin each day anew with God
  55. Getting Rid of Old Habits
  56. Closed Up and Shut Down
  57. Start the day asking God to accompany you
  58. 7 Good Things…That Are Perfect
  59. Diluted or Pure
  60. Father's Love Letter
  61. How Big Is God
  62. If Anyone is Thirsty
  63. Love One Another
  64. Take Off the Limits
  65. Vision
  66. Water the Right Seeds
  67. Finding God’s Pathway
  68. Are looking you towards God or money?
  69. Sunny Side Up
  70. Free From Envy
  71. Of Prodigal Sons and Forgiving Fathers
  72. It’s Okay to Cry
  73. Plug In!
  74. I am faith-filled and positive as I embrace the day
  75. Six Times We Should Seek God
  76. Win The Race
  77. Each Heart
  78. Honesty from a child of God
  79. Q re daily reflection groups
  80. Reprogram Your Life for Greatness
  81. Listen More Than You Talk
  82. Spirit guides me in the right way
  83. Self-control to Let Go
  84. Vessels Of Honor
  85. Believe God over the “Experts”
  86. God Will Fight for You
  87. Example That Encourages
  88. What can you do to calm your anger?
  89. The Joy of Being Forgiven: Loved with Everlasting Love
  90. God’s Mobile
  91. Fruit in Season
  92. Delete & Repeat
  93. I Have a Promise
  94. Stepping Out in Faith
  95. Joy through the good times and the painful times
  96. Worry
  97. New Thinking, New Living
  98. When you feel let down, look up to the Father
  99. The Leap
  100. Hope for the Harried
  101. To-Do List
  102. A Lesson in Humility
  103. Lean On God
  104. Lighten Our Load
  105. What we do for Christ will last
  106. I breathe and recognize the Presence
  107. You Are A Child Of God
  108. Be like a bird who sings each morning
  109. What Time is it?
  110. Rising Up
  111. I open to Divine Mind, and I live a fulfilling life
  112. I am whole and complete just as I am
  113. We Need Him
  114. Are you so busy serving God and doing good things that you don't have time for him?
  115. I Will Give You Rest
  116. Store Up the Sweet
  117. The New Has Come
  118. I am well; I am free
  119. The LORD your God is with you; He is mighty to save
  120. Greed
  121. God is our hope and strength, a very present help in trouble
  122. Believe and Declare
  123. Commitment
  124. Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything
  125. Twelve Things God is to Me…
  126. I Want, I Need, God Wants Me to Have
  127. Rid Yourself Of Clutter
  128. How Do We Know?
  129. What causes anger?
  130. The Great Escape
  131. Pet Blessing
  132. I live in a field of unlimited potential
  133. A Word For The Struggler
  134. The Daily Grind
  135. Don't Wait For Tomorrow
  136. The Rhythms of Life: Plowing Before Reaping
  137. In the Midst of Trouble
  138. Something Big is Coming Your Way
  139. Love Yourself, Laugh At Yourself
  140. I let go and open to a new experience
  141. You Can Do All Things Through Christ
  142. To Be Honest
  143. Catch the Wave
  144. No Slapping On Labels
  145. Are you seeking the gifts or the Giver?
  146. What About Your Pocket?
  147. You Can Handle Whatever Life Hands You
  148. Memory Loss
  149. Holy and dearly loved
  150. Self-Control with Gratitude
  151. Going Down to the Creek
  152. God Is A Healer
  153. Control Your Speech
  154. God’s Restraint
  155. Relaxing In Prayer
  156. Dance then wherever you may be
  157. On My Side
  158. Awaken
  159. Do God’s Will
  160. Have A Happy Life
  161. Through the power of the Christ in me, I am forever free
  162. You Are Worthy
  163. Forgiven and Forgotten
  164. Leave the results to God
  165. Finding God in the Storm
  166. Forgive
  167. The Future Begins Today
  168. Sending out Ripples
  169. Being a Chooser
  170. The Way You Should Go
  171. Can material things make you happy?
  172. One Power
  173. Do you ever feel vulnerable to attack?
  174. Harvest Is Coming
  175. Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?
  176. How to Win in a Lost Argument
  177. Grace
  178. Inducted
  179. Failure Is Not Final
  180. Breaking Strongholds
  181. Your Original Software
  182. Never Stumble
  183. Spiritual Food for Spiritual Hunger
  184. Spiritual Fast Food
  185. Give God Control
  186. Emergency Numbers
  187. Let God Be God
  188. Father Of Lies
  189. A Way Of Escape
  190. God Is A Good God
  191. Avoid worthless, foolish talk
  192. A Stronghold
  193. The Power of Testimony
  194. I find comfort and hope in God’s infinite good
  195. Are you carrying around guilt?
  196. Change Happens
  197. You Have Cares And Anxieties?
  198. He Burns Me Up
  199. Slow Me Down, Lord
  200. Worries are many
  201. The Lord Almighty
  202. Turn a Deaf Ear
  203. I believe in the power of forgiveness
  204. Step Up!
  205. H.A.L.T.
  206. NACR Daily Meditation - September
  207. God will always forgive you
  208. When All Is Said And Done
  209. I’m Back!
  210. God Sees Our Potential
  211. Resting in God's Promises
  212. Peace or Panic?
  213. To Be or Not to Be
  214. Encouraging Word - September
  215. Today I Will. . . - September
  216. Bible Verse Of The Day - September
  217. Your Time is Coming
  218. Unstoppable
  219. Rest
  220. Prayer Strengthens You
  221. I Am Not Forgotten
  222. What do you fear?
  223. 7 Good Things…You Can Do with Your Voice
  224. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
  225. Buddy Breathing
  226. Grasp the Hour
  228. Carrying Our Own Burdens
  229. Cling to the Rock
  230. Taking time to rest and relax is important
  231. Hold Your Peace
  232. Think Positive
  233. Make Room for Something Greater
  234. My highest good is always unfolding
  235. A New Direction
  236. I lift up my eyes to the mountains
  237. What is God’s way?
  238. Enjoy the Day
  239. Sending out Ripples
  240. Pursue Your Purpose
  241. The Tides Of Life
  242. God Takes His Time
  243. Visiting Day
  244. A Special Day
  245. God Is Not Angry With You
  246. Where you can go to have every need met
  247. Fruitful
  248. His Child Forever
  249. A Reason For Everything
  250. Hold Your Tongue