- Reason, Season, And A Lifetime
- Blowing Out Your Guilt
- The Mask I Wear
- Three Great Lessons Of Life - The Turtle, The Frogs & The Pretty Lady
- Two Wolves Within Us
- Receiving
- The Funeral
- Start Strong
- Maybe
- Slow Dance
- Strength vs. Courage
- Root Beer and Twinkies
- Promise Yourself
- Thoughts About Motherhood
- Principles For Better Living
- Know Yourself
- Roses and Thorns
- Take Time To Think
- Do It Now
- What We Say Is Important
- Gone In A Flash
- Define 'rich'
- The More We Surrender
- Giving
- Rudy's Angel
- Tomorrow is Not Promised
- The Concerns of a Mouse
- Tomorrow’s Work
- Being Missed
- Don't Quit
- Hypocrisy Will Catch You
- If I Had Taken Time
- The Maze
- A New Direction
- Forgiven Forever
- The Law of the Garbage Truck
- The Hole
- Choices
- Quotes
- Pause For Thought
- Why Go To Church?
- The Pebble
- Do it anyway
- Don’t hope, decide
- Family
- Worrying
- Thanks...
- Worry
- Mixed Bag
- The Truth
- You can
- Good & Bad
- Questions to consider:
- Life
- When I first came
- ]~ One Day ~
- ~ Live In The Present ~
- Life Is Not Perfect
- Recipe From Heaven
- Stress Survival Kit
- God and the Spider
- Sacrifice without thankfulness...
- Why do some of us wait so long?
- freedom
- Keys For Living
- Religious Readings for October 2013
- Taking Care of Ourselves Emotionally
- Spirituality/Angel Messages
- The Meaning of Peace
- Myself
- Recipe For A Miracle
- The Yellow Shirt
- A True Story
- My Pilot
- Beginning Today
- Wisdom for the Soul
- Directions to AA
- His name is Bill
- The Children's Bible in a Nutshell
- When God Whispers Your Name
- Don't Dance So Fast
- Value Just Being
- Choices
- The Toothless Grin
- Burdens Give Us Wings
- There Are Times
- My Heavens Door
- We experience what we believe!
- The Beast Revelation
- It's Been Awhile My Friend
- The Rain Of Insane
- You put a title or name to this one.....
- God’s The Light
- The Spring Breeze
- Have You? Noticed...
- Mr. Sun
- Miracles, Messages, Middles and Mystery
- sigh to breathe
- Good Friday
- loud paper tablecloth
- If Tomorrow Never Comes
- A Friend Along The Way
- Gee, Dad
- continued
- On A Pedestrian Concourse Flow
- A Thousand Marbles
- One Thing To Never Forget
- Spiritual Birthday Bible Verse
- What is the best thing about recovery?
- The Seven Wonders of the World
- Think before you speak
- Desire
- New Year Quotes
- Hurry Sickness
- Take the time to share what we have to give
- 5 Tips for a Happy Life from Winnie the Pooh
- Some Things You Keep
- Lessons that Geese Provide For Life
- What Do You Value Most?
- If I Knew
- Venus
- Remember Your Spiritual Side!
- The Concerns of a Mouse
- Quote of the day...
- My 11th Step experience
- One Last Time
- Happiness
- My experience loving an addict
- the 4th Step
- There's A Hole In My Sidewalk
- Think Before You Speak
- When Eagles Fly
- Plant a Garden of Fruitful Living
- The Most Telling Strokes
- Be Kind To Others, Not Because They Are Kind
- That 'Green' Thing
- Slow Down
- Gorilla Moment
- Attitude
- Stress Less and Enjoy Each Day
- God is with us, our strength, our comfort, our all
- Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
- The Daffodil Principle
- Slow Dance
- Stop To Smell The Roses
- Handling Conflicts
- Higher Awareness
- When you have been insulted, bullied or unjustly accused. . .
- What Do You Value Most?
- Daily Inspiration
- Two Wolves
- Q-Tip It!
- Elder's Meditation
- Don't Dance So Fast
- Reason, Season, or A Lifetime
- One Phone Call (Letter, Card, E-mail or Text Message) Can...
- A New Day
- Our past can become our biggest hindrance
- How Saying No Can Help You Say Yes
- How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?
- I Love You More
- Today You Can
- Whatever our hands touch
- The Seven Wonders of the World
- When God created woman
- Autumn Inspiration
- The Dash
- Memory
- Stress Management
- The Fight of Two Wolves Within You
- Butt Prints In The Sand
- The Starfish Story
- Sharing A Meal
- Your 20:20 Vision
- I’m walking into 2020
- The Seven-Ups of Life
- Anxiety in Perspective
- Clean Out The Closet of Your Mind
- Not Feeling Well
- The Kitchen in Your Mind
- The W.A.I.T. Method
- Something To Look Forward To
- An Oldie, but always a Goodie
- The Two Wolves
- Advice From An 80 Year Old
- A-B-C Method of Managing Attitudes
- One Thing To Never Forget
- Let's leave nothing for later
- Motivation Thursday
- Goals
- Adding By Subtracting
- Do You Like Being Old?
- The Two Wolves
- The 10/10/10 Perspective
- I walk down the street
- Consider Being Considerate
- Keep Calm on the Road
- Time for Yourself
- Thoughts Like Birds
- Fall in Love with Life
- Shakespeare Quotes
- Feeling Let Down
- De-stress from the Weekend
- Joyful Thoughts
- Trust In Him
- Affirmations
- Make Time for Yourself