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Pages : 1 [2] 3

  1. Anything Else?
  2. My Forgetter
  3. Hating School
  4. Meat Loaf
  5. The Conspiracy
  6. Allergies
  7. And God Looked Down upon Seniors. . .
  8. Bedtime Story
  9. Cat Quotes
  10. To God Be The Glory
  11. What A Friend We Have In Jesus
  12. The End is Near
  13. The things babies say...
  14. AAADD
  15. Difficult Language
  16. Hang On!
  17. Things to Think About
  18. Proud to be from Texas
  19. Ever Wonder?
  20. Remarriage
  21. Life's Crazy Rules
  22. Military Computer
  23. Ramblings of a Retired Mind...
  24. Kids' Wise Words
  25. How to Wash Your Cat
  26. Easter Tradition
  27. Old Doc Carver
  28. Middle Age Texting Codes
  29. Priest's Collar
  30. Emergency Cash
  31. The Man and the Monastery
  32. The Great Lakes
  33. Big in Texas
  34. Ponderings
  35. My Philosophy Of Housecleaning!
  36. Dating
  37. Money's Worth
  38. Dress
  39. Anxious Airline Passenger
  40. Child Rearing FAQ
  41. Grandma’s Eyes
  42. Top 10 Things Men Understand About Women
  43. The Ostrich
  44. On Aging
  45. Tattoo
  46. Philosofacts
  47. Page
  48. Things to Ponder
  49. True Fisherman
  50. The Tired Dog
  51. Train
  52. Curiosity
  53. Allergies
  54. Vet Bills
  55. 'Twas the day after Thanksgiving
  56. A Turkey's Perspective
  57. When you are drunk!
  58. True Stories From The Butterball Turkey Hotline
  59. Thanksgiving Jokes
  60. A Boy's Thanksgiving Day
  61. Thanksgiving Blessings
  62. Signs You Ate Too Much at Thanksgiving
  63. Thanksgiving Weather Forecast
  64. You Might Be a Redneck This Thanksgiving If...
  65. Twas the night after Thanksgiving
  66. First-Time Turkey Cooker
  67. May your stuffing be tasty
  68. The Genie
  69. Report Card
  70. Things to Think About
  71. Christmas Presents
  72. The Twelve Days of Christmas: A Software Developers' Version
  73. You're Just like Frank!
  74. Scales Don't Lie
  75. conversation at check-out
  76. Christmas Cards
  77. Wrapping Presents with a Cat
  78. As Old As The Other
  79. Definition of "OLD"
  80. Christmas Gift
  81. 21st Century Newspaper
  82. Best Position To Pray
  83. Finance Course
  84. Anagrams
  85. Strange 'Questions'
  86. Cheap Aid
  87. Lamaze Class
  88. Sales With Scripture
  89. State Trooper
  90. Getting The Class's Attention
  91. Train Ticket
  92. Higher Education
  93. The Case of the Missing Cow
  94. Can`t believe it wasn`t just yesterday!
  95. Shoe Tying
  96. The Goodnight Kiss
  97. Accents
  98. Lesson on Plant Growth
  99. Letter to a Bank
  100. Brain vs Brawn
  101. How To Remove Grumpiness
  102. Instructions
  103. Why do camels have humps?
  104. A Roman walks into a bar...
  105. Hot Dog Karma...
  106. Kleptomaniacs....
  107. Helium walks into a bar......
  108. Shopping....
  109. Slow Sammy
  110. Growing Pains
  111. The Laws of Life
  112. Freshman Bricks
  113. You're Not a Kid Anymore When
  114. Baby Boomers - The 60's and revisited in 2016
  115. Dog Calls
  116. Cat Commandments
  117. Have you heard the Hymns for the Over-50 Crowd?
  118. Permitted To Learn
  119. Jury Age
  120. The Not-So-Dumb Blonde
  121. Chicken Recipe
  122. Pecans In The Cemetery
  123. Express Lane
  124. Senior Breakfast
  125. On Aging
  126. Psychiatrist vs. Bartender
  127. Coffee Spill
  128. Mabel's Aid
  129. Supermarket Savvy
  130. Laws of the Natural Universe
  131. Funny Sayings
  132. Labels
  133. The Three Little Pigs Eat Dinner
  134. Old Is When
  135. Matching Shoes
  136. Halloween Puns
  137. Some Halloween Jokes
  138. Sometimes I want to be a kid again
  139. Strong Young Man
  140. Perfect Cupcakes
  141. My Bedside Table
  142. Turkey Size
  143. The Soup
  144. First-Time Turkey Cooker
  145. Twas the Night after Thanksgiving
  146. Thanksgiving Weather Forecast
  147. Thanksgiving Blessings
  148. Popcorn Stuffing
  149. Baste a turkey
  150. Just A Little Bit More
  151. Wish
  152. Thanksgiving Jokes
  153. After Thanksgiving Poem
  154. Picking Up Clothes
  155. After Thanksgiving Exercise Program
  156. Courtroom Gems
  157. porcupine
  158. Which One?
  159. Balance
  160. I want to be a kid again
  161. Resignation
  162. Baked Stuffed Chicken
  163. My Forgetter
  164. Hospital Routine
  165. Things You Wouldn't Know Without The Movies
  166. Nervous Dental Patient
  167. Fee
  168. A Laundry Funny
  169. Boo Hiss
  170. The Ostrich
  171. The Workout
  172. On The Front Porch
  173. Old, but ever new...
  174. Giving a Pill to the Cat
  175. Poppop's Nose
  176. Driving Miss Crazy
  177. AMAP
  178. ~ I'm Really Not An Addict! ~
  179. Comebacks To Unsolicited Sales Callers
  180. Changing Times
  181. Short Funny Questions
  182. Family Of Skunks Walking
  183. Car Ride Question
  184. Speeding Juggler
  185. Shawl
  186. Laboratory Cells
  187. Coffee Choices
  188. Observations on Growing Older
  189. How High Can You Go?
  190. Witty Sayings
  191. Just something fun to do today!
  192. Filling
  193. The Blond and the Bank
  194. An Old Prospector
  195. Wit and Wisdom of Will Rogers
  196. Silly Jokes
  197. Kitty Prayer
  198. The Coffee Prayer
  199. Wait
  200. The Harmonica
  201. To-Do List
  202. It's Empty
  203. Money's Worth
  204. Words of wisdom from children
  205. If You're Happy And You Know It
  206. Holiday Heavyweights
  207. Swanky Dining
  208. School Excuses
  209. slogan with a twist
  210. The Harmonica
  211. Shawl
  212. Christmas Cards
  213. In the Bathroom
  214. Cyclic Number
  215. Do Not Wash Your Hair In The Shower!
  216. License Plate
  217. Sofa
  218. The Talk
  219. Yes, sir!
  220. Signs Spotted
  221. Life Support
  222. Easter Tradition
  223. The Talk
  224. The Harmonica
  225. Birthday Present
  226. Holmes and Watson
  227. Bedtime
  228. Hearing Aid
  229. Wi-Fi Password
  230. Parent Tweets
  231. English Class
  232. Cold Coffee
  233. Silly Jokes
  234. Halloween Carols
  235. 12 Days of Halloween
  236. Halloween Puzzles
  237. Halloween Jokes
  238. Halloween Puns
  239. Some Halloween Jokes
  240. True Stories From The Butterball Turkey Hotline
  241. Thanksgiving Jokes
  242. A Boy's Thanksgiving Day
  243. Thanksgiving Blessings
  244. Signs You Ate Too Much at Thanksgiving
  245. Thanksgiving Weather Forecast
  246. Twas the night after Thanksgiving
  247. First-Time Turkey Cooker
  248. May your stuffing be tasty
  249. After Thanksgiving Exercise Program
  250. Holiday Heavyweights