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bluidkiti 04-30-2016 06:36 AM

Thought For Today - May
May 1

Accumulating Inner Peace

Accumulate lots and lots of inner peace. As a result of accumulating, inner peace is readily accessible and available when and where you need it.

If, for whatever reason, you lose a little bit of your inner peace, it's OK – you already have a stock of inner peace accumulated within you. So just make sure you top up what you've lost.

bluidkiti 05-02-2016 07:29 AM

May 2

Strong or Hard Hearted?

We need to be strong-hearted to face the many difficult situations in our life, but not hard-hearted where we do not feel compassion or care.

Toughen up without becoming hard-hearted. Be compassionate and caring without draining your emotional strength. Then you'll be warm and
strong-hearted in the face of any situation.

bluidkiti 05-03-2016 07:31 AM

It's Not All About Numbers

How do you measure success? In numbers? Numbers are important and they can be a good indicator of success. But is success only about numbers or is it something else altogether?

If success is not all about the numbers, then what is it about? Is it about the quality of what you create, or the quality of your life? Happy relationships, a healthy mind?

What does success mean to you and how do you measure it?

bluidkiti 05-04-2016 06:42 AM

Time with your Virtues

Virtues are the good qualities within each one of us, they’re our personal resources: contentment, determination, generosity, humility, serenity, tolerance...

Spend time with your virtues and get reacquainted. How? Meditate on a virtue.
1. Choose a virtue to meditate on - one that interests you or would help you best today.
2. Hold the virtue in your mind. Now, feel it and experience it. And then be it. Be the embodiment of this virtue.

bluidkiti 05-05-2016 06:01 AM

Are you Bored?

Are you bored? Is it because you’re doing something that’s not interesting? Just because something doesn't interest you, it doesn't mean it's boring. Even if it is boring, you can always do things differently and make things fun. When that’s not possible, think about something interesting or listen to something interesting.

Make things interesting and you’ll find your fun. Go on, banish boredom forever.

bluidkiti 05-06-2016 05:13 AM

Listen to Life

Life speaks to you, did you know that? Sometimes it's loud & clear, & sometimes you just can't hear it over the noise in your head.

Shhh, quiet your mind, pay attention & listen. Listen to the message & it may help you make wise choices, or help you connect the dots to understand why things happen.

Life is speaking to you, right now. Listen. Take note. More importantly, will you act on it?

bluidkiti 05-07-2016 06:40 AM

May 7

Think About You

We all care about what other people think about us.

But really, do people think about us, that much? Why not care more about what you think of you.

Actually, what you think of you is more important than what others think of you.

bluidkiti 05-07-2016 06:40 AM

May 8

Taking It Seriously

Do you have a tendency to take life and yourself a little too seriously? Now, life is no laughing matter but life does have a sense of humor.

Find the humor and have a good laugh - at life and at yourself. Not as a way to avoid the serious issues, but only when appropriate, of course!

bluidkiti 05-09-2016 07:43 AM

Expectations or Explorations?

We all have expectations. But when those expectations are not met, how do you feel? Disappointed, stressed, frustrated?

For less disappointment, less stress, less frustration, try this: shift from expectations to explorations. Approach life, people and yourself from a place of exploration and you'll open the door to possibilities. Explore, and you'll embrace and enjoy what is.

bluidkiti 05-10-2016 07:15 AM

Keeping Good Company

No one wants to go to a party without good company. The best and the constant company you have, is your thoughts. So, are your thoughts keeping you good company, or bad?

To keep good company, pay attention to your thoughts, change what's not good and make it positive. Surround yourself with lots of goodness, read and listen to motivational and inspirational words. Keep the good company of positive thoughts and you'll make everyday a party!

bluidkiti 05-11-2016 05:53 AM

Make Mornings Easier

Would you like to make your mornings a little easier? Try this: prepare whatever you can the night before.

Maybe you can lay out your clothes the night before. Maybe you can prepare the next day's breakfast or even your lunch. Maybe clean up and get as organised as you can.

The less you have to think about and do the next morning, the better. What are some of the things you can do the night before to make your mornings easier?

bluidkiti 05-12-2016 07:05 AM

Stability in Shifting Sands

When everything around you is changing, often the best thing to do is to stop struggling. Just as you would search for stability on shifting sands, relax and find your inner stability. Gain your equilibrium and balance and then you can respond to change with confidence and grace.

bluidkiti 05-13-2016 06:59 AM

If Your Life Was A Movie...

You've heard the question, "If your life was a movie, who would play you?" And at some point you've probably wished your life was just like a movie, full of adventure and magic.

Here's another question: if your life was a movie, would it be a light-hearted feel good movie, an action packed thriller, or something offbeat and quirky?

Well, you’re already the star of your own movie, so why not, 1) make the next scene, the best scene, and 2) stop worrying about the reviews or the critics!

bluidkiti 05-14-2016 07:39 AM

May 14

Play Your Roles

Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage...". So, if we're all "merely players", that is, actors, then understand the difference between who you are and the roles you play.

Understand the difference and you'll make it easier for yourself to:
- switch between different roles in your day
- adapt, when your roles change
- clarify what your roles require and play them well

bluidkiti 05-14-2016 07:41 AM

May 15

If It Doesn't Feel Right

In the process of decision making, if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn't.

Honor your feelings and listen to them, instead of pushing through them and rushing into a decision. Verify your feelings with logic and data. If it still doesn’t feel right, you can always postpone the decision or decide not to decide.

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