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MajestyJo 08-14-2014 08:09 AM


If the disease concept doesn't work for you, let it go. No one says you have to believe anything. More importantly, I have found that the 'whys' of my drinking were interesting, but irrelevant. What I needed was some practical tools for permanent sobriety. That I found in the 12 steps.
If people didn't understand the disease part of addiction, I told them that I was at dis-ease within myself and looked outside of myself for something to make me feel better. To look out instead of inward, sounds like Step Two to me in today. The BB says according to a friend in recovery. "...that it could restore us to sanity, but doesn't promise it would."

yukonm 08-15-2014 08:16 AM

Today's Thought:

August 15

It's okay today for me to make one decision and if it turns out the be the wrong one back up and apply the Step 10 principle and admit it was wrong and get it right the next time. Just for today I don't have to be perfect.

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yukonm 08-16-2014 08:08 AM

August 16

Today's Thought:

I halfheartedly started working the steps, pretty much because I didn't know what else to do, and somewhere along the line it hit me: I was an alcoholic, just like everyone else in AA. The fact that I hid it well didn't change the facts.

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yukonm 08-17-2014 06:27 AM

August 17

Today's Thought:

I started Al-Anon when he was in the hospital and I found it to be a big help. Before I wouldn't go anywhere especially with him. I just sat here and worried about him, his job and our marriage. Now I do what I want.

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yukonm 08-18-2014 07:02 AM

August 18

Today's Thought:

Friendship is fine, however, sponsorship is another thing. I can sponsor some people and never be friends with them. On the other hand I have life long friends that I have sponsored.

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yukonm 08-19-2014 07:33 AM

August 19

Today's Thought:

The first step has always been the one that I have always looked at as my favorite. It was the first time I was ever honest with me or anyone else. When I did look at that step, I thought, gee how simple, how come I never thought about that?

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yukonm 08-20-2014 06:17 AM

August 20

Today's Thought:

Today I know that I am an addict through and through and my disease will latch onto anything self destructive. I am doing my best to work through my underlying issues, to accept painful challenges and to continue to do the next right thing.

Submitted By:

Lake Ladey

yukonm 08-21-2014 07:37 AM

August 21

Today's Thought:

I started Al-Anon when he was in the hospital and I found it to be a big help. Before I wouldn't go anywhere especially with him. I just sat here and worried about him, his job and our marriage. Now I do what I want.

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yukonm 08-22-2014 07:09 AM

August 22

Today's Thought:

"Cured" of alcoholism would mean that I could go drink like a NON alcoholic. I do not believe that I am "cured". However, I AM "recovered" in the sense that I am not driven to take that first drink today, nor have I been for some time.

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yukonm 08-23-2014 08:34 AM

August 23

Today's Thought:

When I first came into the program I basically traded one addiction for another. You know, just another way of running. It wasn't until after multiple relapses that I was finally able to confront all the issues, and I mean all of them!

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yukonm 08-24-2014 06:47 AM

August 24

Today's Thought:

On his death bed he admitted to his daughter that he was an alcoholic and had tried to stop drinking for years but couldn't and could not go to AA. The disease of alcoholism (not the drinking) is powerful, baffling and uncontrollable. The disease is what controlled his anger, his fears, not him.

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yukonm 08-25-2014 06:08 AM

August 25

Today's Thought:

When my fiancee got killed by a drunk driver, I did what we alcoholics do DRINK. After 8 months of drinking I asked GOD for help. He did, but first I had to thoroughly believe I was powerless over alcohol. Today, seven years later, when I am asked by others to help them take the steps, I state how important that first half of the 1st step is, and how thoroughly it must be done.

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yukonm 08-26-2014 08:14 AM

August 26

Today's Thought:

One friend would have had 30 years this year but he chose to take his life, as a result of the misery that drinking brought back into his life. I have been coming regularly for 11 years now, and am finding that even though at times, I feel it's a job to make myself go, meetings are more and more important to my maintaining continuous sobriety.

Submitted By:

Miss S.

yukonm 08-27-2014 07:59 AM

August 27

Today's Thought:

He needed nine more years of sobriety, relapse, sobriety, relapse before he attained continuous sobriety and today he's got 15.5 years. I can smile and say God Bless him now but I sure couldn't do that years ago. Notice that I said "he needed" those nine in-out years? I think it's what had to happen for him to realize how much more he needed sobriety than addiction.
Once he was finally brought to his knees, he was able to grab and hang onto the program. It took what it took and today I'm quite proud of him.

Submitted By:

Rose R.

yukonm 08-28-2014 08:16 AM

August 28

Today's Thought:

First few years was just dry. When I begin to study the BB and practice the steps, I got sober. My wife described my dryness as "stark raving sobriety" and how right she was. My 4 children had there own description.

However, today, I have 16 grand children and 3 great grand children, and 1 more on the way. Today, we are a "family unit" for the first time! That too, by the grace of God.

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