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MajestyJo 09-16-2014 04:14 PM

Let us pray, giving thanks for the goodness
of creation:

God our Father,
we thank you for this earth, our home;
for the wide sky and the blessed sun,
for the salt, earth and the running water,
for the everlasting hills
and the never-resting winds,
for trees
and the common grass underfoot.

We thank you for our senses
by which we hear the songs of birds,
and see the splendour
of the summer fields,
and taste of the autumn fruits,
and rejoice in the feel of the snow,
and smell the breath of the spring.

6 Grant us hearts that are wide open
to all this beauty;
and save us from being so blind
that we pass unseeing
when even the common thornbush
is aflame with your glory,
O God, our Creator. Amen.

MajestyJo 09-17-2014 04:44 AM

Thank you God for Life...a life with meaning in which I can be me, a life of courage to replace the fear. It feels so good to be young and alive, to carry my head high and to keep my mind clear so that I can see and enjoy the truly beautiful world in which you have placed me! Please don't ever let me take my life for granted.

Thank you God for Love, for helping me to sow love where only hatred could grow before, for helping to understand my parents and others, show me that, no matter what they do, I can still love them. It is wonderful to know what Love really is--to have that sense of hope which assures me that I don't have to be lonely any more.

Thank you God for Joy...the kind of joy that wells within me when I know that my life is in the hands of One who understands and cares as no other can, a joy that brings with it a beautiful feeling of inner peace.

And thank you, most of all, dear God for being the greatest friend a young/old person like me can have.

~ Just For Today ~

MajestyJo 09-18-2014 07:18 PM

Let us pray:

Lord God,
may the sight of your creation
- from the vastness
of mighty stars and planets
to the lowliness
of the smallest living creature
that I can see
- inspire me to grow
in wonder and awe,
in reverence for life,
and in appreciation
of the people I meet
and of all that is around me.

MajestyJo 09-19-2014 12:24 AM

MajestyJo 09-20-2014 01:14 PM

Let us pray:

Inspire me, Lord,
so that I may reflect
your image and likeness
a little more clearly
each day.

MajestyJo 09-21-2014 02:03 AM

Let us pray:

Blessed are you, Lord,
God of all creation,
for having made us all different.
What I don’t know about you
I need to learn from others
because they reflect
your image and likeness
in a different way.
I ask you to lead me
to seek to understand
the many people of good will
who are different from me.
5 Blessed are you, Lord,
God of all creation.
I am grateful
for all that is good in my life.
I know that you look on me
with tender love,
and invite me
to assess and renew
my attitude and direction in life.
Be with me in my determination
to live in a positive way.

MajestyJo 09-22-2014 09:13 PM

Let us pray:

Lord our God,
may we grow
as people who think of others
and see their needs
never “passing by
on the other side”, Lk 1031
but being willing to make sacrifices
and be generous
for the good of others.

MajestyJo 09-23-2014 01:11 AM

This angel changes daily.

Let us pray:

God our Father,
we pray for all
who are in positions of leadership
in our country,
that they may be inspired
by the values of the Gospel.
We pray that they may live
as people of integrity and honesty,
growing in a sense
of duty and responsibility,
always being aware of the needy,
and ready to be of service to others.

MajestyJo 09-24-2014 02:32 PM

Let us pray:

Mary, teach us
how to say “Yes” to the Lord
every moment of our lives.
Mary, teach us
how to say “Thank you” to the Lord
every moment of our lives.

This is the prayer on the site that I get my daily prayers. I almost didn't post it, because for me, to pray to Mary, is idolatry. I realized it isn't up to me to decide for someone else, who to pray to, whether it is Mary or Buddha.

MajestyJo 09-25-2014 09:34 PM

Let us pray:

God our Father,
we bring before you today
those who suffer
from chronic illness or disability
- those for whom sickness or disability
profoundly affects their lives.
When they feel diminished,
remind them that you call them by name
and hold them
in the palm of your hand. Is 43
When they feel fragile and broken,
mould them and heal them,
that they may more closely resemble
the image of Jesus,
your Son and our Brother.
When they are reminded
of different times in the past,
lead them to grow in the faith
that you love them today, as they are,
in the reality of their lives this day
When they feel uncertain
about the future,
lead them to that perfect love
which casts out all fear. 1 John 418
When situations remind them
- not of what they can do,
but of what they cannot do -
remind them
that “love never fails”, 1 Cor 138
and that, living in your love,
they will bear your fruit in plenty. Jn 155,9
May all of us
- whatever our circumstances -
never be so taken up
with our own concerns
that we do not see or respond to
the needs of others.
May we live with courage
the different challenges
that each of us faces.

MajestyJo 09-26-2014 09:16 AM

Let us pray:

Lord, when I am hungry
- lead me to feed others.
When I am thirsty
- give me water
to satisfy others’ thirst.
When I am sad
- lead me to bring joy to others.
When burdens weigh upon me
- lay upon my shoulders
the burdens of other people.
Lord, when I am greatly in need
of tenderness and support
- lead me to help someone
in greater need.

MajestyJo 09-27-2014 01:50 AM

Let us pray:

Lord Jesus,
you took young children in your arms
and blessed them.
Many times we find in the Gospel
that you touched people
and cured them.
Place your hands on us today
that we may know
your healing in our lives.
May we live in such a way
that we help to bring
healing and peace and reconciliation
to those who share our lives each day.

MajestyJo 09-28-2014 06:41 AM

In the “Star Trek” science fiction series,
the Vulcan greeting is sometimes heard
from Mr Spock or Ambassador Sarek:

“Live long and prosper.”

Old phrases from the Old Testament of the Bible:

“Sour grapes” - Ezek 182
“The writing’s on the wall” - Dan 525
"She is “the salt of the earth” - Mt 513
“To go the extra mile” - Mt 541
“Not letting his left hand know
what his right hand is doing” - Mt 63
“On the straight and narrow” - Mt 714
“Fallen by the wayside” - Mt 134
“The blind leading the blind” - Mt 1514
“Good Samaritan”
“Seeing is believing” - Jn 2025

Doubting Thomas;
I’ll believe it when I see it.

Let us pray:

Lord, inspire us
in every moment before we speak,
so that our words to others today
may all be positive.

- someone who doesn’t
“pass by on the other side” - Lk 1031

Other biblical passages used in ordinary
speech, include:

“An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” - Ex 2123
“Tablets of stone” - Ex 34
“Scapegoat” - Lev 1616
“To spy out the land” - Num 1316
“The apple of his eye” - Deut 3210
“Someone after his own heart” - 1 Sam 1314
“How the mighty are fallen!” - 2 Sam 127
“Escaped by the skin of their teeth” - Job 1920
“Pride goes before a fall” - Prov 1618
“Don’t know what tomorrow may bring”- Prov 271
“Put your own house in order” - Is 381
“No peace for the wicked” - Is 4822
“Holier-than-thou” - Is 655
“He is found wanting” - Dan 527
“Don’t cast your pearls before swine” - Mt 76
“O ye of little faith” - Mt 826
“Fallen on stony ground” - Mt 135
“Walking on water” - Mt 1425
“The first will be last;
the last will be first” - Mt 1930
“A worker is worthy of his hire” - Mk 107
“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” - Mk 1438
“Physician, heal thyself - Lk 423
We have our “cross to bear/carry” - Lk 923
“Once you’ve put your hand to the plough...
there’s no turning back - cf Lk 962
“Kept the good wine until last” - Jn 210
“A law unto themselves” - Rom 214
“The love of money is the root of all evil” - 1 Tim 610
“I have fought the good fight” - 2 Tim 47
“He’s got the patience of Job” - James 511
“Streets paved with gold” - Rev 211
& Oh the word of my Lord

MajestyJo 09-29-2014 03:31 PM

Let us pray:

Lord God,
keep in me a sense of humour
and the ability to laugh at myself.
Lead me always to be positive,
looking for the best
in people and in situations.
Each day and in every way
may I grow in the love of the Father
and the presence of the Son,
and the power of the Holy Spirit.

MajestyJo 09-30-2014 09:06 PM

Let us pray:

God our Father,
whatever our age,
may we always have a thirst
for knowledge and understanding,
and be ready to learn
from all of life’s experiences.
Inspire us always with a sense of wonder
and a great reverence for life.

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